Yoga Poses: The Cobra And Its Benefits

Practicing the cobra pose will help strengthen and stretch your back. In turn, it will help reduce cervical tension caused by stress. Know its benefits and how to do it correctly.

The b hujangasana, or cobra pose, is one of the basic asanas of yoga. This consists of lifting the spine to stretch the muscles of the abdomen and, thus, achieve elongation and strengthening of the back. Of course, as long as it is done in the proper way.

The idea, as the name implies, is to simulate a cobra slowly rising from the ground. This pose, like all those in yoga, seeks to achieve balance between the body and the mind. We tell you what its main benefits are and how to perform the movement in the correct way.

Yoga and the cobra pose

Yoga is based on the theory and practice of Hinduism, so it seeks a balance between the earthly and the spiritual. In this culture, animals are part of the perfection of the world, hence their postures have names such as the dog, the cat, the cobra, among others.

Cobra pose

In Hatha Yoga or dynamic yoga, the sun salutation is performed, a dynamic routine that allows the body to be energized. During the performance of the sun salutation, the cobra pose will be a transitional movement between one asana and another.

This pose is also known as dog 2 and it doesn’t matter how advanced you are in the practice; This posture will always be present in the routine and is valid for both beginners and experts. In the execution of the posture, not only the alignment of the back is worked, but the movement also involves other parts of the body.

which are your main benefits?

This posture is one of the most common in yoga and seeks to exercise the upper body, although with time you may notice that you also begin to notice how your glutes and hamstring work. According to a post from The Shwaasa Yoga Center , these are its main benefits.

Helps relieve sciatica pain

Sciatica is the term used to refer to pain that extends along the sciatic nerve, from the spine to one or both legs. The position of the cobra helps to stretch the vertebrae, the hips and alleviate the discomfort that is generated in this area of ​​the body due to impingement.

Increase strength and flexibility

The cobra is one of the best yoga poses to naturally stretch the spine. This not only helps to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and shoulders, but also provides more flexibility to this part of the body.

Helps to improve back pain

If you spend a lot of time sitting and hunched over, it is very normal for your back to suffer and begin to hurt. Another benefit of the cobra pose is that it helps stretch the shoulders and chest and releases tension from the upper body. So if you suffer from this problem, this exercise could be the solution.

Strengthens lung capacity

By lifting the chest, the chest cavity opens, which helps the lungs expand and fill with oxygen. This could be beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of some health conditions such as asthma and respiratory allergies. Also, you can stimulate the expansion of the diaphragm through deep breathing exercises.

How do you do the cobra pose?

Cobra position and its benefits

The first thing to do before performing this pose is to relax. The bhujangasana is a simple pose to execute, you just have to follow the steps detailed below. Remember that breathing is very important, as well as a good alignment of the body.

  • To start, lie on your stomach or ulna.
  • Then, position yourself with your forehead resting on the floor and your legs extended. Keep your knees steady and your feet pointed, pressing your insteps to the ground.
  • Rest the palms of your hands toward your pelvic region.
  • Inhale and press down on the floor with your palms steady. You must spread your fingers to keep your body stable.
  • Then, inhale and lift your trunk slowly. The pubis must remain in contact with the ground. Maintain the posture with the weight on your legs and palms.
  • Contract your perineum, glutes, and thighs for stability. This will prevent you from shaking while performing the pose.
  • Take a deep breath and then lift your head looking up at the ceiling.
  • Next, hold the cobra pose for 20 seconds. Hold the air for a few seconds and exhale.
  • Bend your elbows and lower your arms to the mat. Then rest the log on the ground.
  • Finally, lie back in the starting position, breathe and relax your body.

Finally, it is worth remembering that the cobra strengthens your body and when combined with breathing exercises it will also be beneficial to relax and control the mind. With this posture you will feel vitality and you will give well-being to your body. However, keep in mind that it is not recommended for pregnant women or people who have a back injury.

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