Why Eat Nuts?

Although they provide a certain dose of carbohydrates, eating nuts can be a good idea to lose weight and to improve the functioning of the body.

For a long time we have been very reluctant to eat nuts, because we believed that they had too much caloric intake and too much fat.

In addition, we were afraid that this would get complicated, because their flavor and sizes lead us to take them compulsively. Doesn’t it happen to you that you start and you can’t stop anymore? Ingesting them this way is a problem. However, it is different when you take them in moderation: these will not only help you control hunger, but also have great benefits for your general health, which is what we care most about.

However, they are not all the same. Each one has particular advantages, so the ideal thing to do is to eat nuts taking into account the positive effects of each of its varieties. So we will not get tired of them and we will supplement our diet with these very effective foods.

Learn to eat nuts

We are going to show you the main benefits of each of the nuts that we can find in the market.

Walnuts for chronic pain

Walnuts for chronic pain

  • Walnuts have a large amount of  Omega 3, which has a great anti-inflammatory power. Therefore, it is highly recommended for those who have chronic or habitual pain, such as joint pain or migraine.
  • On the other hand, it contains many antioxidants, so they help us to slow down aging and prevent cell damage.
  • All this improves, in turn, the problems we talked about before, especially those of the skeletal and muscular system.
  • Nor should we forget that omega 3 fatty acids have the ability to reduce cardiovascular risk, according to a study published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Almonds to improve circulation


  • It is indicated for people with diabetes. Almonds are natural regulators of insulin, so it helps to balance blood sugar.
  • Also, thanks to antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, they have been shown to be capable of reducing cholesterol levels.

As we know, the excess of the latter and of glucose makes blood circulation very difficult. They cause conditions that can range from restless feet syndrome to more serious ones, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

  • Finally, its fiber content is considerable. This property is essential for the body to eliminate what hurts us, as well as fats that have no nutritional value, but that increase weight.

Cashews for brain activity

Cashews for brain activity

Eating nuts such as cashews is an injection of minerals. One of the most noted is iron, basic for oxygen to reach the brain. In fact, a lack of it can lead to the development of anemia, according to a study published in The Medical Clinics of North America.

For this reason, when we do not have enough, we perceive problems of concentration and retention of information. In addition to iron, it also has  magnesium and zinc, essential for the immune system.

When the defenses are strong, we avoid aging, so that memory suffers less over time. Keep in mind that this is vital for understanding the world.

Pistachios to keep the line


Of all the nuts, pistachios are the ones that give us the least calories. In addition, when they come wrapped in a shell, it forces us to eat them more slowly.

Thus, the stomach has more time to assimilate its presence, so we feel satisfied sooner.

As with the others, it contains a large amount of vitamin E, a great antioxidant. It also provides us with potassium, ideal for enriching both the nervous system and the muscles.

Thus, digestion is much more agile, which is very suitable for weight loss.

Can we eat all the fruits we want?

As we pointed out at the beginning, it is true that eating nuts provides us with carbohydrates.

And we already know that, although necessary, the ideal is to control their intake, since if we do not spend all the energy they give us, they are transformed into fat.

Knowing this, it is obvious that it is desirable to weigh how much we take. The average amount is 30 grams per day, divided among the main meals.

However, we do not all function in the same way. This may be a good starting point, but you can watch yourself and find out how much is right for you.

You will have the indicator on the scale. If you gain weight just by introducing them into your habits, it is best to reduce the number of them.

Eat nuts regularly

Nuts are very nutritious, easy to find, and very inexpensive. Generally, eating a balanced diet is more expensive than we would like.

Therefore, these foods are a great opportunity for everyone. In addition, they are very easy to transport, so, with them, you have resolved the issue of snacking between meals.

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