When Is The Right Time To Eat Fruits?

Some experts point out that, to take advantage of all its nutrients and facilitate the digestion of other foods, the most appropriate thing would be to consume the fruit at breakfast or between meals.

We have always talked about the importance of including fruits in the diet. In this way, our diet is much more complete and nutritious. What may not be so clear, however, is when it is best to consume fruits. Now, is there really a better time to eat them?

The right time to eat fruits

Cancer fruits

There is no person who does not love or like a fruit. Therefore, we will always have at least one fruit in our diet. At this point, it is worth wondering what is the best time to consume them.

The normal thing to do when consuming fruits is to do it after each meal, usually as dessert. Now, is it good to do it like this? The reality is that the most widespread myth indicates that this would be the worst time to eat a fruit. However, there is no scientific data to support this theory.

This would happen because, on many occasions, the fruits would ferment in the stomach and could contribute to the digestive process taking longer than normal. Hence, many people, in fact, avoid eating them for dessert.

If the aforementioned ends up being true, we would conclude that the most advisable thing would be to consume the fruit between meals. Thus, we could avoid the slow transit caused by fermentation.

But be careful: not at all times when you feel “empty” would it be advisable to consume fruits. Then another question arises: “Why?” Well, fruits contain a substance called fructose. E l body into glucose (ie energy) and, if not consume glucose accumulates as fat.

From all the above, it follows that a good option would be to eat fruit for breakfast, to start the day full of energy. You could also eat it mid-morning and as a good snack in the afternoon. Make sure to always have a variety of fruits on hand.

Other recommendations when consuming fruits

1. Don’t mix sour and sweet fruits

Another myth that we can cite is the recommendation not to mix citrus with sweet fruits. Dissociative diets indicate that, if you want a good digestion and adequate processing of sugars, it is advisable not to mix kiwi, strawberries, berries and pineapple, with apple, pear, banana, peach, grape, melon, watermelon, mango, plum . However, there is no scientific evidence in this regard.

2. Eat fruits between meals

In this way, you will avoid picking up less healthy foods such as potato chips or chocolates. On the other hand, it is believed that consuming fruits between meals would prevent their sugars from interfering with the digestion of other foods. These data have not been verified.

3. The more variety of fruits you eat, the better


Far from what some would have you believe, the consumption of any fruit is not prohibited. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the amount that is consumed. Think that there are fruits that provide a higher caloric value and, if you are on a diet to lose weight, you should pay attention to their consumption.

4. Include fruits at breakfast

When it comes to a healthy diet, breakfast is king. That meal of the day is considered by many specialists the energy base with which we will face the rest of the day. Hence, the most suitable for a “super” breakfast is to include fruits.

5. Vary them

We all know that excesses are incompatible with health. To avoid falling into them, we must alternate the fruits. In addition, each fruit provides different nutrients.

Check with your doctor about the best times of the day to consume fruits. Nobody better than him to give you advice. One last recommendation? A good idea is to buy seasonal ones. They tend to have lower prices and are delicious! Sign up for the multiple options that nature wisely places within our reach.

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