What To Do If Your Baby Has Scratches In The Diaper Area?

The so-called diaper rash, or chafing in the diaper area, is a condition peculiar to 1-year-old babies that can be caused by various reasons. Learn about some strategies to relieve your symptoms.

When the baby reaches his first year of age, he tends to suffer irritation or chafing in the diaper area. The so-called diaper rash is a very characteristic and common condition in 1-year-old babies. Don’t think it’s because you’re not doing it right.

If you don’t know what to do about chafing in your baby’s diaper area, here are some strategies to help you deal with this problem. But first, know the causes that originate this condition.

Causes of diaper chafing

In most cases, diaper rash is caused by the sensitivity of some babies’ skin to diapers. However, it can also be caused by other causes, such as the following.

1. Infection


After prolonged use of the same diaper, the skin becomes moist, a situation that favors the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. In addition, one of the most common places for its appearance are the folds of the baby’s skin, as evidenced by this article published in the journal Matron Profession  in 2007.

2. Changes in diet

When you feed your baby new foods, they can have unfavorable skin reactions. Also, if you make changes to your diet and your baby is feeding on your breast milk, it can cause these types of reactions.

According to this research work published in Pediatric Dermatology Topics. Diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines , children who have a more complex diet than breastfeeding around the age of 2 years are more likely to suffer from this condition, since it coincides with greater mobility of the child and, therefore, there is more friction with the child. diaper.

3. Antibiotics

If you are giving your baby breast milk and are taking an antibiotic, this could cause dermatitis in the diaper area, as this article published in the journal PediatrĂ­a Integral points out . Remember that everything you eat, be it food or medicine, will have an effect on your baby.

4. Sensitivity

Primitive reflexes

Your baby’s skin may be sensitive to certain fragrances or chemicals that some diapers are used to make. In addition, your baby may be sensitive to the friction of the diaper with his genitals, which, in the same way, can cause irritation or chafing.

Strategies to relieve chafing in your baby’s diaper area

  • Rinse your baby’s chafing with plenty of water and leave him without a diaper for a while. In this way, the skin in the area can be properly ventilated. This is suggested by this other article published in the journal PediatrĂ­a Integral .
  • Also, change her diaper every two to three hours, as noted in this information from the American Pegnancy Association. Do not forget to rinse your genital areas well. In this way, you will always keep your baby clean.
  • You can also apply calendula, chamomile or purple protective creams to the affected areas.
  • On the other hand, when putting on a new diaper, remember to leave it a little loose or put a size larger, because, this way, your skin will breathe better.
  • Every time you wash your baby with water, do not forget to dry his chafing gently and without rubbing.
  • Also, if you have a waterproof protector for your baby’s bed, you can let him sleep without his diaper. In this way, your baby will heal more quickly from chafing.

Within two to three days of applying these strategies, the chafing in your baby’s diaper area should begin to visibly improve.

When should you take your baby to a pediatrician?


With the above strategies, it is very likely that your baby’s diaper area will improve little by little. However, it is necessary that you go to a pediatrician if your baby has the following symptoms in the diaper area:

  • Open wounds.
  • Blisters
  • Pus pimples.
  • Yellowish discharge in some areas.

If so, your doctor will most likely prescribe an oral antibiotic. As with home strategies, your baby will most likely start to heal in two to three days.

How to avoid chafing in your baby’s diaper area?

In short, to avoid rubbing in the diaper area and alleviate its symptoms, it is recommended to follow the following tips:

  • Use soaps and detergents that do not contain chemicals that can hurt your baby’s skin.
  • Every time you bathe your little one, remember to dry his genital areas very well with a soft towel.
  • Don’t put the diaper on right away to let the area air out.
  • Do not put the diaper on too tight, as it can rub against her delicate skin and start diaper rash again.
  • Know your child’s diet well. Thus, you will be able to determine which food it is that could be causing chafing in the diaper area.

Finally, remember to apply a protective cream regularly because, as this article published in Profession Midwives points out , the best treatment for chafing in the diaper area is prevention.

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