Vegetable Creams That Help You Lose Weight

Cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels. When they are unbalanced, they are what cause hunger attacks.

Is there a dish that is healthy, complete, satisfying and that helps you lose weight? Yes, the vegetable creams. They are the ideal recipe so that you can gradually lose weight, without starving and obtaining all the nutrients that your body needs so that you do not have any nutritional deficit.

In this article we will share some suggestions focused on helping you lose weight, thanks to the properties of its ingredients.

1. Pumpkin and cinnamon cream

pumpkin and cinnamon cream for weight loss

This delicious cream, with the curious and excellent combination of its ingredients, is even a good dish to surprise the guests.

The pumpkin has the necessary qualities to be included in any diet. It is very satiating, thanks to its water and fiber content, but at the same time it is low in calories. In addition, it is anthelmintic and diuretic, so it helps us eliminate toxins and excess fluids that we can accumulate.

On the other hand, its consistent texture allows us to prepare a recipe with a very creamy and consistent texture, as if we had included potatoes.

The cinnamon is not only the spice that gives an original point to the cream, but also increases their properties because it regulates blood sugar levels. We recommend Ceylon cinnamon, which is one of the most aromatic.

2. Cream of zucchini and wakame

zucchini cream for weight loss

This cream is a gentle and very digestive recipe, ideal to take in the evening with dinner.

Zucchini only has 14 calories per 100 grams, so it is excellent to include in our diet regularly.

Some people, when they prepare zucchini cream, add cheese to make it creamier, since zucchini contains a lot of water, but, for this recipe, we propose a lighter option.

Substitute the cheese for the wakame seaweed, which also has antioxidant and diuretic properties and also gives creaminess and flavor to the cream. The seaweed is added to the cooking and it is also crushed with the zucchini at the end.

3. Cream of leek and ginger

Leek cream is a delicious dish, thanks to its characteristic flavor, and it is also rich in water, fiber and potassium, a mineral that helps us combat fluid retention.

In addition, leek is one of the vegetables with the least carbohydrate content, making it a very suitable option to take at night.

The touch that ginger brings, in addition to enhancing the flavor of the recipe.

We can add fresh or powdered ginger during cooking.

4. Pea and cayenne cream

The pea is a very digestive legume that contains protein. In addition, the pea regulates our blood sugar levels and contains a lot of fiber, so this is a very satiating cream that we can take at any time of the day.

The Cayenne, on the other hand, will enhance the flavor of this dish and also help increase our metabolism and better digest fats. Although there are no studies that prove it.

We must add a small amount of cayenne, especially the first few times, to accustom our body to the spicy.

This cream is ideal for cold days or cold people.

5. Cream of mushrooms and oats

When it is mushroom season or we have the opportunity to get them, we can take advantage of them to make an exquisite cream. Mushrooms have a high protein content, and they are also a very healthy and natural food.

The porridge is very nutritious but also has plenty of fiber, so we recommend when we suffer from constipation also or digestive problems.

We recommend consuming this type of vegetable cream with food rather than dinner, as it is very energetic, and we can season it with a touch of smoked paprika.

Remember that these creams can help you lose weight in a healthy way, but you should always consult a specialist for advice on which foods you should eat according to the goals you want to achieve. Always giving your body all the nutrients it needs. What do you think of these vegetable creams?

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