Types Of Moms: Which One Are You?

When motherhood comes into our lives, it tests us in many ways. Surely, we all want the best for our children, even if sometimes we make mistakes.

There are different types of mothers created by specialists. These have the objective of determining behaviors and promoting corrective measures.

In addition, for those who exercise the role of mother, beyond satisfying a curiosity, it is also a way of analyzing their own action and making sure that they are going on the right path in raising children.

If you have come this far, you are probably looking for information on how you are exercising your role as a mother. It is likely that you will see yourself portrayed in any of these categories and even more than one at a time. Next, we explain what the different types of moms are.

Types of mothers.

Mom classification

When motherhood comes into our lives, it tests us in many ways. Surely, we all want the best for our children, even if we sometimes make mistakes. Human beings are that complex.

In many cases, when the personal situation is, in particular, complex, it is a good option to consult a psychologist or pedagogue about the problems and doubts that arise in motherhood. It is about seeking professional help beyond the individual.

In addition, finding out what are the characteristics that define the behavior that is carried out  or discovering which can help is also positive. Next, we develop the categories of mothers that exist.

1. Authoritative Mom

As evidenced by this study published in Psychological Reports , the authoritative or democratic mother is the one who is capable of establishing clear norms. They tend to reason in an affectionate and respectful way and trust that the consequences for non-compliance with these rules will be those that drive children’s learning.

The authoritative mother does not impose an order, although she is firm in what she asks of her son, always without ceasing to be affectionate and tender. He does not use fear and punishment, but reasons with the child and listens to his point of view despite disagreeing. It is characterized by having the following attitudes:

  • Help your children to be independent.
  • Teach children to learn to fend for themselves.
  • Encourages reflection on the negative consequences of actions.
  • Explain to your children what is expected of them based on their age and level of maturity.

2. Types of moms: tiger mom

The tiger mother is a very demanding and authoritative mother. He has a personality focused on achieving the perfection of his children from an iron discipline. In this way, the rules are not discussed. She is convinced that her way of raising is the guarantee to achieve success in the lives of her children.

As a result of this behavior, children sometimes find themselves in situations where they do not have time to play or to share leisure time with other children their age. The high expectations of the mother only accept an “excellent” in the academic performance or in the complementary activities that the child performs.

The mother tiger can achieve an exceptional child in studies or a virtuoso in a sports or artistic practice. You may wonder if your children are happy while achieving those results.

Types of mother: worried mother.

3. Obedient Mom, Another Kind of Mom

Among the types of mom, there is one who is permissive and submissive. She is called an obedient mom. The mother is so concerned about being friends with her children that she forgets to exercise her role as mother. He does not establish norms for fear that his children will suffer or be frustrated, as this work published in the journal Psicotherma points out .

The mother, as a child, may have learned to obey her mother’s orders, so that  she became an insecure person. He tends to give in to what his son asks, who little by little becomes more demanding, until he becomes a tyrant.

The child of the obedient mother may come to know no limits. He does not know how to wait, even mistreats and is self-centered, because he gets everything from an obedient mother, who is willing to give everything without this representing any effort or responsibility for the child.

4. Types of moms: absent mom

There are mothers who delegate the education and upbringing of their children to third parties. These are the absent mothers. The reasons for their absence are diverse, and although they try to fill the emotional void left by their absence, the truth is that they are not available for when a praise or a reprimand is needed.

From those who have very demanding work hours to support the home, to those who, even being present, do not get involved in raising children.

It can be a woman for whom her schedule, her career, or her lifestyle comes before the needs of her children. Because they don’t provide enough emotional support, your children can develop problems with empathy and compassion.

Absent mother.

In short, it is likely that all mothers have a little of each of these types, since the perfect mother does not exist. However,  and good s self – analysis and find what can be improved .

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