This Should Be The Proportions Of Your Dishes To Lose Weight

It is not a question of “obsessing over” with food. However, something as simple as controlling the proportions of your dishes, the type of nutrients and their adequate amount, could help us take care of the line. Furthermore, the simple and even fun strategy of the so-called “plate method” will allow us to gain health and well-being.

We also know that in terms of diets and strategies to lose weight, there are a thousand options and recommendations and that not all of them are healthy or effective. Next, we will show you how to take care of the proportions of your dishes. We are sure that it will be of great help to you.

Take care of the proportions of your dishes and you will see important results

The proportions of your dishes depend on their composition.

The “plate method” is not new. In fact, it’s a simple technique that nutritionists have been recommending for a long time.

It should not surprise us either that this proposal is followed by athletes and by those people who want to lose weight without having to suffer, thanks to a varied, balanced and healthy diet.

These would be the main benefits of following adequate proportions in our dishes:

  • Both the first and second courses are served in the same source.
  • By having a large plate where all the food is distributed, the visual sensation of satiety is more effective.
  • It forces us to introduce all those basic nutrients from the food pyramid.
  • We also understand that each moment of the day requires different and appropriate proportions.
  • A breakfast cannot be like lunch or lunch like dinner.

Let’s see below the main keys that we must take into account.

Proportions at breakfast

The proportions are very illustrative of what we need to start the day.

  • 40% fruit. Fruits are essential foods in the diet. It is important to meet the daily needs of these foods, since they help reduce the risk of diseases in the medium term. Experts recommend eating plenty of fruits and vegetables to prevent pathologies.

    The best idea is to combine a couple of them (an apple with some grapes, for example). However, the most suitable fruits to start the day are citrus (grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon juice), kiwi, strawberry, banana, pineapple, watermelon, melon, peach, pear and the cherry.

    • 40% carbohydrates. Now, what do we mean by carbohydrates? And even more, if you want to lose weight, should you consume them?

    It is not that it is important to consume carbohydrates, it is essential. The body needs carbohydrates to function properly as it breaks down sugars and starches into glucose for use as energy.

    Likewise, the fiber present in carbohydrates helps us feel satiated and, therefore, allows us to enjoy a healthy weight. The suitable carbohydrates for your breakfast are cereals and whole grains.

    It is important to ensure that the sugars are low glycemic. Otherwise, regular consumption of them could lead to health problems, according to research published in the Journal of Hepatology .

    For its part, we must not neglect protein in our breakfast. Eggs, for example, are a good option.

    Proportions at lunch or central meal of the day

    As you can see, the key to the central meal of the day is a proper balance between vegetables (40%) and carbohydrates (40%).

    • You can combine a rice with steamed or baked vegetables and add, for example, a turkey breast.
    • Products such as pasta, chickpeas or quinoa are exceptional at this time of day.
    • Also, and as a recommendation, it is always better to include a little fruit in these proportions for lunch.
    • A great idea would be to combine fruit in salads (spinach with strawberries, lettuce with pomegranate seeds, spinach with pineapple …)
    • If we consume fruit as a dessert, our digestion suffers a bit, so try to include it on the plate itself.

    Proportions at dinner

    The proportions of your dishes must be careful.

    It is important to specify here that a proper diet involves eating about 5 times a day. So, don’t hesitate to have something light but nutritious between meals.

    Fruits, fiber, and even unsweetened yogurt with nuts and raisins can be very suitable. Let’s now look at the proportions of the dishes at dinner.

    The goal is now to combine vegetables with proteins. These are a few small examples of what sources of protein we should add to dinner, and which vegetables are more digestive at this time:

    • Zucchini.
    • Cucumbers
    • Artichokes
    • Eggplants.
    • Asparagus.
    • Celery.
    • Broccoli.
    • Pumpkin soups.
    • Baked tomatoes or peppers (natural they are somewhat heavy to digest).

    As for the sources of protein for dinner, we can mention the following:

    • Salmon.
    • Cod.
    • Tuna.
    • Sardines
    • Tofu
    • Grilled chicken or turkey.

    Finally, when it comes to carbohydrates, they must be present, but the proportions are lower, and always complex. A slice of seed or whole grain bread, for example, will always be an interesting option that we should not give up.

    Respect the proportions of food to lose weight

    When planning a balanced diet, it is necessary to pay special attention to the proportions of the food.

    An error in their measurement could misalign the dietary pattern and lead to weight gain. Put into practice the advice that we have given you to enjoy a better state of health.

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