This Is How The Lack Of Rest Affects The Brain

When there is lack of rest in our brain, the functions begin to lose effectiveness. We feel slower to respond, less memory and with significant muscle fatigue.

All these effects have a scientific explanation, and it points to the importance of brain tissue for daily life. However, the optimal maintenance of this tissue implies getting enough sleep.

Various factors intervene in the lack of rest. There are people who sleep poorly due to psychological disorders, such as insomnia from anxiety, and others who sleep due to bad habits at bedtime.

The situation is quite serious in the long term. Let’s think that a student with bad rest will not be able to advance adequately in his career. A worker will not perform the same in his work, and will even run vital risks if he operates machinery, for example.

What happens to the brain from lack of rest? What are the processes that are affected? Next, we will review the effects of lack of rest on three main areas associated with brain health: humor, memory, and circadian rhythm.

Lack of rest alters the mood

Parents who have spent whole nights up for their children know this. The next day is full of irritability, and everything seems to get too angry, even if they are minimal things.

This alteration of the mood comes from the disconnection that the lack of rest causes between the brain amygdala and the rest of the nervous system tissue. A disconnected amygdala acts on impulses, without mediating actions in the cortex of the brain.

The negative becomes more negative and worse in the amygdala’s interpretation of things. Under normal conditions, well asleep, this way of interpreting passes through other brain barriers that develop a more consistent response. After a sleepless night there are no limits to anger.

It is not a permanent effect, since after sleeping the necessary hours, the system reconnects itself. However, in people who often sleep poorly, irritability can significantly alter their social relationships.

Lack of sleep causes irritability

Worst results in the study

Research on sleep suggests that the hippocampus is another region hard hit by lack of rest. And this area is key for students, since memory is made there.

A bad night’s rest reduces the chances of retaining new information the next day. Even the retention of images is ruined, beyond the data, which can affect the elaboration of the memories of the previous day and the one that is developing.

This reinforces the goal of achieving adequate sleep hygiene in students, especially university students. Careers require a degree of attention and retention that can be stimulated through nighttime sleep.

When sleeping, the hippocampus transfers memories from its neurons to other lobes of the brain. This process is essential for the recording of thoughts and future settlement.

Lack of rest and melatonin

Humans move in a daily circadian rhythm that lasts about 24 hours. This wake-sleep cycle has been stipulated, externally, by the hours of sunlight. Inside the body, this regulation responds to the hormone melatonin.

Melatonin stops its production when it receives light, and conversely, it is produced in greater quantities in the dark. In this way, the hormone increases its concentration to encourage us to sleep and rest.

Lack of rest at the right times runs our biological clock and takes us out of the regular wake-sleep cycle. This erroneously exposes us to light, both solar and artificial, which alters the production of melatonin.

In the medium term, if the wake-sleep cycle moves constantly, we can enter phase changes. This means that it is increasingly difficult for us to sleep when we want to sleep and it is difficult for us to wake up to be active in the morning.

insomnia and bad night's rest

Sleep hygiene for lack of rest

We have seen how lack of rest affects the brain, but we can do something. There are sleep hygiene measures we can take to help our brain tissue function properly.

Remember that through the nervous system we communicate with the outside and with our loved ones, so taking care of it is a priority. A good rest will ensure a better mood and more attention.

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