These Are The Best Tricks To Feed Your Defenses

We know how to raise defenses, but feed them? Today we will discover some tricks to incorporate into our diet and that will allow us to enjoy better health.

We can call it immunizing food and it is one of the tricks to fuel your defenses. Through diet we can fight all colds, colds and infections that can affect us due to seasonal changes or when we are in cold seasons, such as winter.

Today we are going to discover some tricks to feed your defenses that it is very important that you incorporate into your life as soon as possible. They will help you to be much healthier and prevent colds, flu and other types of infectious diseases. If you are prone to them, you will notice a big difference.

Eat foods rich in vitamins

Tricks to fuel your defenses

The first of the tricks to feed your defenses is that you introduce foods rich in vitamins into your diet. However, you should focus on three essential vitamins:

  • Vitamin C: You can find it in citrus fruits, cabbages, papayas, kiwis or green leaves. This vitamin stimulates the functions of the immune system.
  • Vitamin E: It is present in almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds and sunflower oil, wheat germ oil or broccoli. This vitamin enhances the immune response to fight infections.
  • Vitamin A: You can find it in milk, carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, apricot, cabbage, turkey or tomato. This vitamin helps prevent infectious diseases.

A varied diet should contain the greatest diversity of foods and vitamins possible. This will benefit our health. If we suffer from recurring colds, introducing these foods will allow us to prevent them in time. In the event that we are already suffering from them, they will help us recover as soon as possible.

Consume iron, copper and zinc

Many people suffer from anemia from an iron deficiency. If this is your case, surely foods such as legumes, nuts, red meat, liver, spinach or egg yolk are not present in your diet. These are very necessary to fuel your defenses.

Iron favors cell proliferation so that it responds to any possible virus or infection that enters our body. In the event that we have it low, the immune response will decrease, so we will be more exposed to contracting diseases.

On the other hand, copper can be found in raisins, plums, poultry or oysters. Its importance lies in the fact that it is an anti-inflammatory and anti-infective agent. We should not give this type of food a high priority, since the body needs a very low amount of copper to help its defenses.

Lastly, zinc plays a very important role in enzyme activity. We can find it in watermelon, zucchini or pumpkin seeds, also in chickpeas, peanuts or sesame flour.

Introduce omega 3 into your diet

Foods that contain Omega 3.

Omega 3 is a type of polyunsaturated fat that the body cannot produce on its own. Therefore, we have to consume it through certain foods.

The foods richest in omega 3 are chia and hemp seeds, walnuts, flaxseed oil or salmon. As we can see, some are very useful foods to accompany any yogurt, salad or meal.

Omega 3 helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL)  has an anti-inflammatory effect. If you suffer from diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, you will be able to benefit a lot from it.

Don’t forget about selenium

Selenium is a great unknown, however, its deficiency can increase the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, it is important to consume it in its proper measure.

Selenium can be found in such beneficial foods as oatmeal or brown rice. However, it is also present in Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds.

As we can see, the tricks to feed the defenses are not that difficult to carry out. We just have to make a change in our diet, introducing this range of foods rich in vitamins in a varied and balanced way.

In addition, our body may be grateful for it since, perhaps, we were not eating it in as healthy a way as we should. If you tend to get colds or the flu on a recurring basis, try these tricks. Do you dare to feed your defenses today to help your body fight disease?

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