The 7 Most Common Myths About Fat That Can Affect Weight

There are some common myths about fat that can affect our weight. Therefore, whether our concern has an aesthetic reason or if we are interested in improving our health, it is important to shed some light on them.

Despite all that we are told about fat, it is proven that the body requires it in a certain amount to function in optimal conditions and that there are also foods that can provide “good fats” to lose weight naturally and combat problems such as cholesterol.

The issue of the presence of fat in the diet continues to be a matter of debate and research because, in one way or another, health experts accept that the body needs it to carry out several of its functions.

The problem is that many people have not received adequate information about it and have spread certain myths about this nutrient that are not entirely true.

Therefore, it is convenient to know these 7 most common myths about fat in the diet, in order to clarify doubts and avoid more false beliefs in this regard.

1. Crude oil has fewer calories


This is completely untrue. Both crude and cooked oil have about 900 kcal per 100 grams.

This would also be affirmed in one of the studies carried out by the UCLM, where it would also be pointed out that “The good thing about crude olive oil is that it could enhance the association of HDL lipoproteins with cholesterol to release it from the blood.”

2. A healthy diet is the one with the least fat

To say that a diet is healthy, the fat content must be moderate, but not very low and much less zero.

The diet should include at least 30% daily fat, divided into 20% polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, and the other 10% of the common.

The special cases in which it should be limited more is when the person is struggling with health problems such as obesity or diabetes.

On the other hand, for a better personal health monitoring and a diet percentage more in line with your situation, we always advise you to consult a specialist.

3. “Low-fat” foods are not fattening.

Often times, people trying to adopt a healthy diet in order to lose weight rely on so-called “light” or “low-fat” foods because the industry has sold the idea that they are healthier and ideal for preserving the figure .

The truth is that the fact of having this label does not mean that they do not have calories or fat, because in reality they have only reduced the amount of fat and sugar compared to normal products.

This means that if the person does not consume them in a moderate way, they can still gain weight and fail in their diet. So it is always very important to read the food labels that appear behind the brand.

This is another of the most common myths about fat that we should not believe true.

4. Plant-based fats are harmless

Vegetal fat

The consumption of fats of vegetable origin has always been recommended because they have less tendency to raise cholesterol compared to those of animal origin.

However, that does not mean that all vegetable oils or butters are healthy, since there are some that are composed of saturated fatty acids that can be harmful.

A study carried out by the University of Seville indicates that most of the seeds used in the production of these oils do not contain trans isomers , however, everything depends on the temperature to which these oils are exposed.

5. Fried foods are harmful

A fry can be included in a healthy eating plan, as long as a high-quality oil is used, such as olive or canola (rapeseed).

Studies carried out in this regard, affirm that a good frying process is the most important when incorporating fried foods into our diet. In addition, the ideal is to do it those Teflon or stainless steel containers with an adequate depth, in such a way that the food is totally submerged.

However, excessive fat consumption has been linked to various health problems, so the decision to incorporate fried foods into your diet should be discussed with your doctor.

6. Margarine is healthier than butter


Although margarine has earned the reputation of being healthier due to the fact that it is of plant origin, the truth is that it can be as harmful as natural butter.

According to the Chilean Nutrition Magazine; Only those margarines that contain less than 80% fat could be considered “better” than butter.

However, for the production of some margarines, the fats are subjected to an industrial hydrogenation process that makes them “trans”, just as harmful as the saturated ones in butter.

Scientific studies have shown a direct relationship of the excessive consumption of these fats with cardiovascular diseases, breast and colon cancer, alteration of the nervous system, diabetes, obesity and allergies.

In fact, this hydrogenation can make them even more harmful, according to research by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Uncuyo, when they are subjected to high temperatures to cook.

However, it is good to read the labels carefully, as there are some companies that are making margarines that are free of hydrogenated fats.

7. The oils can be reused

It is not the most recommended. When reusing the oils, they are repeatedly subjected to high temperatures causing alterations in their composition.

The most appropriate thing is that each person uses the precise amount of oil per preparation, in order to always use fresh oil.

Now that you know what the most common myths about fat are, it is important that your diet is no longer influenced by them.

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