Prepare Your Own Anti-stretch Mark Cream With Organic Ingredients

Thanks to the properties of the ingredients of this anti- stretch mark cream we can achieve results similar to those of commercial cosmetics for this purpose, but without including chemicals

Would you like to learn how to prepare a stretch mark cream with organic ingredients? Although removing these marks 100% is nearly impossible, consistent application of some products can minimize them. Therefore, do not stop trying the recipe that we want to share with you today.

Stretch marks are unsightly marks on the skin that are caused by poor quality and breakage of the fibers. They are considered a pathological state of the connective tissue of the dermis, made up of excessive fibrosis that can be whitish or purple in color.

In general, they are located in areas such as the buttocks, abdomen and legs, which are the ones that suffer the most from sudden changes in weight. Although they do not represent a health problem as such, they are frowned upon on an aesthetic level.

Fortunately, there are several formulas to prepare homemade creams using 100% natural and skin-friendly ingredients. In this space we want to teach you how to make one with coconut oil so that you don’t stop taking advantage of all its properties.

Let’s do it!

Anti-stretch mark cream with coconut oil and almonds

The reduction of stretch marks with natural products is an increasingly popular trend among the female population. Ingredients such as coconut or almond oil make it worth choosing  options other than the treatments that are offered in the market.

Coconut oil is considered a “superfood”, which stands out for its high nutritional value and properties for the body. It has been used in cosmetics for several years, after verifying that it is very good for skin and hair care.

Its combination of medium chain fatty acids with vitamins and minerals gives it a moisturizing and repairing effect that benefits tissues and cells. It also contains proteins and antioxidant compounds that help to firm up to prevent sagging and stretch marks.

Coconut oil and a cracked coconut

For its part, almond oil is a healthy source of proteins, antioxidants and natural fats that make it one of the best moisturizers for the skin. Its application helps retain the natural oils of the dermis, thus preventing it from losing its softness and smooth texture.

It contains anti-inflammatory substances that soothe various skin problems such as redness and irritations. Its fatty acids improve the elasticity of the skin and accelerate the recovery of scars to achieve a more aesthetic appearance.

How to prepare this natural anti-stretch mark cream?


To obtain good results with the application of this homemade anti-stretch mark cream it is important that you make sure that the ingredients are completely organic. There are some refined varieties that are much cheaper, but have fewer properties.

In addition to coconut oil and almond oil, we are going to use shea butter and a little vitamin E, two regenerating ingredients that provide firmness and protection to the skin.


  • 3 tablespoons of almond oil (45 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of shea butter (60 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of coconut oil (60 g)
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 1 glass jar with lid

How to prepare it?

  • Put the shea butter in a heat-resistant container and melt it in a double boiler.
  • Add the coconut oil and make sure it is well integrated with the previous ingredient.
  • Add the almond oil and the vitamin E capsule, and continue stirring.
  • When everything is ready, remove it from the heat, let it rest and pour it into the glass jar.
  • You must be careful with the temperature so that the oily substances do not burn.
  • The product will fully solidify in about six hours or so.
  • Keep it well sealed and in the refrigerator and you can keep it for up to six months.

Application mode

  • Take a good amount of the cream and apply it to the affected areas, such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.
  • Rub it in with gentle massages until it is well absorbed.
  • You don’t need to rinse it off, but you can remove the excess oil with a damp cloth.
  • Repeat its application every night to achieve good results.

Finally, it is important to remember that the effects of this product are not immediate and are not obtained miraculously. In addition to being included in the daily beauty routine, it must be complemented with the consumption of water and a healthy diet.

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