Ophthalmic Oxymetazoline: What It Is And What Are Its Effects

Oxymetazoline ophthalmic is a direct-acting, sympathomimetic drug with α-agonist activity. It produces a vasoconstriction that is due to the direct action of the drug on the α-2a receptors of the vascular endothelium.

It is administered topically to the eye to cause local vasoconstriction in the conjunctival blood vessels. It is characterized by a rapid onset of action, which begins within a few minutes.

However, the effect lasts relatively long, six or more hours. In addition, it has a low tendency to the rebound effect of congestion.

Indications of oxymetazoline ophthalmic

Drops to treat uveitis

This medicine is indicated for the symptomatic relief of red eye. So it is used when there are mild eye irritations, due to any cause such as allergies, eye fatigue or irritating factors among others.

On the other hand, in adults and children older than 6 years, the guideline is one or two drops every eight hours in the affected conjunctival sac. For proper administration, you must separate the eyelids and instill a drop inside the lower eyelid, while looking up.

It is advisable not to touch the eye or fingers with the dropper. Also, keep your eye open and don’t blink for a few seconds. However, if after three days of treatment, the symptoms persist, you should suppress the application of the drops and go to the doctor.

When is oxymetazoline ophthalmic contraindicated?


Oxymetazoline ophthalmic is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to this active principle, to any of the excipients of the formulation or to other sympathomimetics.

It is also not indicated in patients with closed-angle glaucoma or in people who have a predisposition to have it. Similarly, it is not indicated in uncontrolled hypertensive patients, cardiovascular diseases, hyperglycemia and hypothyroidism.

What precautions should be taken when using oxyematzoline ophthalmic?

Frequent or prolonged use can lead to greater absorption of the drug, with possible effects on a general level.  Special care must be taken in patients who are in any of the following situations:

  • Those who suffer from angina pectoris or who are being treated with digoxin.
  • Patients being treated with antidepressants.
  • Hypertensive individuals taking methyldopa.
  • Patients taking phenothiazine.
  • Prostate diseases
  • Serious inflammation of the eye.
  • Under 18 years of age.

However, patients who abuse oxymetazoline ophthalmic may become dependent on the drug to relieve their chronic congestion. On the other hand, if you wear contact lenses, you must remove them before using this compound and wait 15 or 20 minutes.

In situations of pregnancy and lactation, it must be said that it is unknown whether oxymetazoline ophthalmic can cause fetal harm. Furthermore, it is unknown whether it is excreted with human milk, therefore, possible systemic absorption must be taken into account.

Side effects

Occasional adverse effects such as eye irritation and pain have been reported with the use of oxymetazoline ophthalmic. However, excessive or prolonged doses can produce systemic absorption and lead to excessive CNS stimulation or paradoxical depression, cardiovascular collapse, shock, and even coma.

An inhibition of CNS functions may also appear, such as drowsiness, decreased body temperature, hypotension, apnea, and loss of consciousness.

Drug interactions

There are drug interactions when oxymetazoline ophthalmic is used in situations such as:

  • People who are taking, or have taken in the last two weeks, tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or methyldopa.
  • Patients who are being treated with phenothiazine or medicines to treat asthma, such as adrenergic bronchodilators.
  • When using another eye drop at the same time: in these cases, you must wait at least 5 minutes between the administration of one and the other.

It is noteworthy that, u nce broached, you should not use it after 28 days. On the other hand, for its correct conservation, it is necessary to avoid exposure to light and temperatures above 28 degrees.

In conclusion, oxymetazoline ophthalmic is a drug that is used for the relief of red eye symptoms. Its use is recommended for two or three days, after which, if there is no improvement, you should see a health professional.

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