Nourishing Coconut And Citrus Oil For Smoother, Brighter And Blemish-free Skin

Coconut oil has proven to be a nutritious oil with  great health benefits. It is also used as a natural cosmetic thanks to its excellent nutritional values ​​and its richness in vitamins and minerals.

It is a nourishing and moisturizing oil that helps us to provide softness and luminosity to the skin. In this article we propose to combine extra virgin coconut oil with some essential citrus oils to give even more light to our face and prevent the appearance of spots, as well as to eliminate impurities.

Coconut oil

A few decades ago coconut oil was criticized for being a poor quality fat. However, today we know that it is a very beneficial superfood for many health problems and also an excellent cosmetic for all skin types.

Extra virgin coconut oil deeply nourishes the skin to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and combat sagging, while balancing sebum production and providing great softness.

A nourishing oil for every skin type

  • If we have very dry skin, we can combine coconut oil with almond oil or rosehip oil.
  • If we have oily skin we will mix it with aloe vera gel. This combination is also suitable for sensitive mixed and acne skin types.

Citrus essential oils


Citrus essential oils, such as lemon, orange, mandarin or grapefruit, have many properties for health and for the skin, in addition to having a delicious and very refreshing aroma:

  • They provide freshness and revitalize the skin.
  • They give luminosity to the face and prevent and fight skin blemishes.
  • They prevent and eliminate impurities and acne.
  • They have antidepressant properties that improve mood and fight depression, anxiety and stress.


    We must know that if we are going to expose ourselves to sunlight we should not use citrus essential oils since they are photosensitive.

     For this reason we recommend using this lotion overnight to improve the regeneration of the skin and the elimination of spots, or to use it whenever we are not going to expose ourselves to the sun.

    Coconut oil and citrus

    coconut oil

    Here we detail how to prepare this nourishing oil for the skin.


    • 1 cup of extra virgin coconut oil (220 g)
    • 20 drops of one or more citrus essential oils: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit.

    Note : We should use a dark colored glass container so that this oil mixture maintains its properties.

    What should you do?

    • To prepare this nutritious oil we will only have to  mix and shake the ingredients vigorously inside the bottle so that they integrate well.
    • We must know that coconut oil solidifies if the temperature is below 23 degrees Celsius.

    In that case we should, first of all, put the oil in a water bath until it melts, but without letting it get too hot. At that time we would add the essential oils. Afterwards it does not matter if it solidifies again, since the oils will be well mixed.


    • We will apply this nourishing lotion every night before going to bed and after removing make-up and washing our face.

    We must avoid the application too close to the eyes so that they do not become irritated. We will also avoid areas of cuts and wounds.

    • We can apply this lotion anywhere on the body where we want to achieve a smoother and more luminous dermis, or remove spots or lighten the skin.
    • We can apply this lotion during the day if we are not going to be exposed to sunlight or if it is going to be in an area covered by clothing.

    Hair lotion

    Hair lotion

    This nourishing lotion is also very beneficial for our hair if we want to achieve the following goals:

    • Smoother and shinier hair
    • Balance sebum production and combat excessively oily hair or roots.

    Note : Not recommended for very dry or colored hair.


    • We will apply this oil before going to bed all over the scalp and the rest of the hair.
    • To do this, we will perform  a medium intensity massage to stimulate circulation and improve the absorption of the product.
    • The next morning we will wash our hair and lather twice with shampoo to remove all the oil.
    • You will not need to use conditioner.

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