Natural Remedies To Balance The Menstrual Cycle

Period pains are common in many women, but not normal. There are ideal foods to balance the menstrual cycle such as avocado or fig, among others.

Many women suffer from aches and pains before or during menstruation, and although they know that they could take a pain reliever as directed by their GP or gynecologist, they sometimes prefer to give different natural remedies a try to balance the menstrual cycle. This is often with the goal of avoiding taking too many medications.

Taking this need into account, in this article we will review some of the most popular natural remedies to balance the menstrual cycle today and their contributions.

Are menstrual pain always normal? What to do about it?

Woman suffering from dysmenorrhea

Although it is true that pain is a signal that the body gives to alert about the malfunction of an organ or system, many times it does not imply the existence of a serious disorder. Around the manifestation of pain as such, there are a number of factors that must be taken into account before falling into alarm.

The pain that many women experience before or during their period can be classified as “normal” if they occur in a timely manner, their intensity does not significantly affect their day-to-day activities, and they are resolved with relative ease. On the other hand, if they prevent a normal life, appear frequently and accompanied by other symptoms, then it is advisable to consult with the doctor as soon as possible to find out what could be happening.

  • If the doctor has prescribed some type of treatment and some additional guidelines for your self-care, it is best that you follow their instructions. This way you will avoid inconveniences and complications.
  • If you are curious to try some type of natural remedy, as a complement to what the professional has prescribed, discuss it with him first to make sure you make good use of it. Keep in mind that by not doing so, you risk suffering the consequences of the interactions.
  • On the other hand, if you do not take any type of medication continuously and what you experience are mild discomfort (during the premenstrual period or menstruation), it is also recommended that you talk with your doctor before trying natural alternatives.

    While there are no definitive solutions for period pain, there are some options that can contribute to relief, such as chamomile tea, for example.

    How to balance the menstrual cycle?

    Natural remedies to balance the menstrual cycle can be used – with the prior authorization of the doctor – to minimize discomfort, relieve stomach pain and make “those days” less difficult to cope with. The most popular currently are the following.


    Maca root may provide health benefits.

    Maca is a tuber native to Peru, from the Andes area, where it is consumed as another food. According to some hypotheses, it could act as a very complete hormonal regulator. Whatever the imbalance, in addition to giving us energy, it will benefit hair, skin and nails.

    It is a vegetable similar to turnip or radish, which contains amino acids and vitamins B, C and E. It also provides minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium or iron. All these nutrients make it a remedy for cycle irregularities.

    It can be found in capsules or in powder to dissolve in water or some other natural drink (a tea, a juice or a fruit infusion), so its consumption is very simple. 

    Evening primrose oil

    Popular wisdom and naturopathic medicine indicates that evening primrose or primrose could be a medium-term solution to balance the menstrual cycle. Evening primrose oil, which we can find especially in capsules , would help reduce the annoying symptoms suffered by women before and during menstruation, both physically and emotionally.

    Evening primrose is also very beneficial during menopause, as well as as a natural treatment for skin disorders, although there is limited scientific evidence for this.


    Banana and avocado mask

    Avocado is a very complete fruit at a nutritional level, today it is not usually lacking in a healthy diet. It stands out for its content in plant sterols, which can contribute to the balance of hormonal levels.

    Consuming avocado, in addition to being a delicious treat, can be an alternative to obtain relief during “those days” of discomfort. Specifically, it is considered that it could help promote progesterone production. In this way, the excess of estrogens that cause food, pollution, stress or bad life habits would be balanced.


    The fig is a tender and sweet fruit, a delicacy for the palate, a good source of fiber and also a medicinal food. In women, the fig is considered to have the virtue of balancing the hormonal system and improving the irregularities of the uterus and the menstrual cycle. However, there is no scientific evidence to confirm this. For now, its effectiveness is only supported by anecdotal data.

    In addition to the fruit, which we can consume fresh or dried, it is said that the infused fig leaves also contain very beneficial plant hormones for women.

    If the doctor authorizes it, three figs a day could be consumed, alone or combined with salads, juices or as a garnish for other dishes.

    Beer yeast

    Brewer’s yeast is considered a perfect superfood to enrich the diet and give a touch of different flavor to homemade smoothies and various foods. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including zinc, which -among other things- has the property of helping to regulate the hormonal system. It acts especially on the thyroid hormones, progesterone and testosterone.

    It is said that it would be advisable to consume a level tablespoon of powdered brewer’s yeast every day to prevent pain during menstruation and other similar discomforts. To make its consumption more pleasant, it can be mixed with yogurt, a juice or any food. We can also find it in capsules, tablets or in live liquid yeast. Similarly, nutritional yeast is very beneficial.

    Now that you know several natural remedies to balance the menstrual cycle, will you dare to give one of them a chance? If so, remember to consult your doctor first to receive the most appropriate indications for your case.

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