Muscle Aches Caused By Emotional States

Did you know that many of the muscle aches that are experienced on a day-to-day basis can originate due to emotional issues that have not been resolved or have not been faced? We tell you more about it.

In some cases, muscle aches can be caused by what generates anguish and worry on a day-to-day basis. This is because the body needs to eliminate certain emotional states that have not been worked on or externalized.

At present, daily stress and some negative emotions are not treated in a timely manner and are allowed to progress without resorting to any treatment. Consequently, certain health conditions such as headaches and muscle aches can occur. Below, we delve deeper into this topic.

The power of emotions

Surely you have ever experienced a knot in your stomach due to nerves, or have fallen ill with the flu after going through a period of great stress. This happens because the body is talking!

Coming home every day with severe neck pain, after a workday , could not only be due to poor posture or being in front of the computer for 8 hours in a row. Apparently, there may also be some negative emotions, associated with that pain, for things that have been left unsaid.

Emotions can turn into muscle aches

This does not refer to spiritual pain but physical pain. Everything that we keep silent, ignore or hide, could manifest itself in the form of discomfort, contracture or illness. There is even a very close relationship between stress and chronic muscle pain.

In fact, a publication of the American Psychological Association comments that chronic stress causes the body’s muscles to be in constant tension due to the alert state that is generated. This could lead to muscle aches and migraines.

Apparently, muscle pain in general, but especially cervical pain, indicate that there are emotions that are being ignored. For this reason, it is very important to recognize the pain and relate it to what is happening on an emotional level.

Muscle aches from emotional problems

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1. Neck pain

Neck pain is very common due to the use of the computer and electronic devices, as well as poor posture and sedentary lifestyle. Similarly, there may be certain hidden emotional reasons behind these cervical contractures .

Perhaps it is due to the uncertainty that the future generates or to the fact that emotions cannot be expressed clearly, due to communication problems with some people. Another reason may be not accepting yourself, or judging yourself for things that were done in the past and cannot be forgiven or forgotten.

If this is or has been your case, consider making an appointment with the psychologist. The professional will help you find the right way to manage your thoughts and emotions so that you can feel better.

2. Headache

There are days when the headache is so bad that it is very difficult to concentrate and any noise or sound is annoying. In addition to lack of sleep, hours in front of the screen or a large amount of work, another cause of migraine can be that you have too many things to think about.

As a review on stress-related headaches indicates, “Recent research indicates the importance of central pain processes in the pathophysiology of tension-type headache (TTH).”

3. Back pain

The phrase “I carry a great weight on my back” can be real in cases where there are many responsibilities, whether personal or work. This causes the back to suffer. In addition, on an emotional level, muscle aches are typical when you do not know or do not want to delegate. However, it is not wrong to ask for help from time to time.

4. Pain in the hands

Thanks to the hands we can have contact with everything that surrounds us. And they allow us to give from a caress to carry dozens of objects. For this reason, when the hands and wrists hurt, this is associated with desires or objectives that have not been achieved. It can also be related to the inability to let go of something or someone.

5. Pain in the knees

This part of the body is not always given the importance it deserves, but the knees are responsible for supporting the entire weight of the body. Therefore, when they hurt, it may be because you are pushing yourself too hard.

6. Pain in the feet

The feet are very sensitive areas of the body that, many times, do not receive the necessary care. When you are not in good spirits, you feel depressed or you do not find pleasure in the things you do, your ankles may also suffer.

What to do to control negative emotions?

Negative emotions, such as stress, anxiety, and anger, can be detected before the body is affected. The important thing about this is to act on time.

Creating healthy lifestyle habits such as getting regular physical activity, getting enough sleep and rest, as well as maintaining a healthy support network, can significantly lower stress and anxiety levels. On the other hand, recognizing what is happening internally with these emotions and why they may be occurring, is very important to lead a calmer life and avoid those annoying muscle aches.

Finally, it is worth noting that if these emotional problems do not diminish with these tips, it is necessary to seek professional help to find the appropriate treatment.

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