Morning Shake To Fight Colds And Flu: Start Taking Care Of Yourself!

With the change of season, viruses arrive, defenses drop and health becomes more vulnerable. To fight colds and flu, the first thing we will do is take care of our diet and improve some of our daily habits.

Although these diseases are not usually extremely serious, There are two population groups with a higher risk that we cannot neglect:

  • Children
  • People over 65 with heart, kidney, obesity or diabetes.

It is also clear that these infectious diseases transmitted by a virus are highly contagious.

Although it is true that with this shake we will not avoid them 100%, we will achieve a stronger immune system, with which, to make these diseases a faster process and with fewer symptoms.

It is worth keeping in mind so that the change of season does not take us by surprise.

It will also be very useful for the smallest of the house and our elderly relatives or those with health problems.

Fight flu and colds with the best foods

When it comes to fighting colds and flu, it is common for us to use vitamins or natural remedies such as echinacea. It never hurts.

However, if you belong to the aforementioned risk population, it is advisable to talk to our doctors about whether or not we should get a preventive vaccine.

Likewise, another strategy that we must take into account will undoubtedly be to take care of certain habits:

  • Avoid temperature changes.
  • Take action when entering crowded environments.
  • Maintain proper hygiene habits (wash your hands frequently).
  • Drink plenty of water.

In addition to these precautions, it is essential that we take care of the type of food that we are going to consume.

In our morning cold and flu shake we are going to include the following ingredients. They are medicinal, rich in vitamins … And delicious!

Kiwi smoothie surrounded by sliced ​​kiwis


For starters, you may be surprised to learn that kiwis have more vitamin C than oranges. They are ideal for fighting colds and flu.

Another fact that should be taken into account about kiwis is their great contribution of polyphenols. These antioxidants have a powerful immunostimulating activity that naturally strengthens our defenses.


What remedy can be more classic than a little honey when treating a cold? In addition to treating, it also prevents colds and flu, which is the important thing.

  • This authentic gift of nature has an antiviral and antimicrobial effect.
  • Likewise, honey reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system and is incredibly nutritious.
  • Something as simple as taking a tablespoon of pure honey every day –not adulterated with sugar–  would help us prevent multiple diseases.

Almond milk

Almond milk or the classic almond drink that we all know is rich in vitamin E.

  • Likewise, its natural composition based on calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, phosphorus or zinc also makes it an immunoprotective food.
  • Cow’s milk, as we already know, does not usually digest very well and does not adequately accommodate all organisms.

For its part, the almond drink is digestive and a powerful alternative capable of offering us adequate benefits.

Flax seeds

One fact that many people do not know is that flax seeds are very effective in raising our defenses.

  • They are the richest natural source of omega 3, reduce inflammation, contain vitamin C and the B complex, as well as adequate minerals.
  • It would be interesting if we get used to taking flax seeds in our smoothies, yogurts or salads.

How to prepare my smoothie to fight colds and flu

kiwi to fight flu


  • 200 ml of almond drink (1 glass)
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground flax seeds (5 g)


First of all, and as we always tell you, we will look for food from organic farming. Yellow kiwis, for example, contain more antioxidants than green ones.

If we buy them in organic stores we will make sure that they contain all their nutrients.

  • The first thing we will do is peel the kiwi and cut it into small pieces.
  • Later, we will take our glass of almond milk along with the kiwi to the blender.
  • It will always be more advisable to prepare our own almond drink. However, nothing happens if we include the supermarket.
  • Beat for a few seconds, then add that generous dollop of honey. Get a smooth drink and pour yourself into your favorite glass.
  • Finally, remember to sprinkle the flaxseed powder on top of the smoothie. In this way, you will get a healthy, delicious and very effective drink to strengthen our defenses.

    This shake is great for children and the elderly. In a single glass they obtain adequate nutrients without having to stop to chew the fruit.

    It is worth keeping in mind.

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