Make Your Own Body Moisturizer At Home

The fact that it does not contain artificial preservatives makes this cream healthier, but also that it must be consumed before so that it does not deteriorate

If we want to have a hydrated, firm skin without stretch marks, we must get used to applying a body cream daily. Today we find them from many brands, for each type of skin, with a wide price range. The healthiest are those that contain natural ingredients and do not contain chemicals such as paraffins and other petroleum derivatives.

In this article we have an even better proposal. With five totally natural ingredients you can make a nourishing and refreshing body moisturizer. Suitable for all skin types. In addition, its preparation is very simple. Give it a try!

How do we use this body moisturizer?

Homemade creams have to be used in a short time, whenever possible. They do not contain artificial preservatives and their fresh ingredients can spoil.

Although vitamin E also works as a natural preservative, we recommend keeping this cream in the fridge and using it within a maximum period of two weeks. For this reason, we recommend making a small amount, or taking advantage of it to make more and give it away.

For what type of skin?

This body moisturizer is not too oily in texture, making it ideal for all skin types. If we have very dry skin, we can increase the amount of oil a little, while, if we have fat, we will add more aloe vera.

You can also add other specific ingredients for some skin problems, although this recipe is already designed to hydrate, nourish and improve circulation. Below we explain the benefits of each ingredient.

Complexion WildBeauty

1. Almond oil

Almond oil is one of the most used ingredients in natural cosmetics, not only for all its properties and uses, but also because it is one of the cheapest. In fact, we could apply it directly to wet skin, after showering, and it would help hydrate our skin.

But with this cream that we propose, its application will be easier and, in addition, we will provide many other benefits to the skin.

Which has benefits?

  • Softens.
  • Hydrates
  • Calms irritations.
  • Prevents wrinkles and stretch marks.

The oil that we buy must be of the first cold extraction.

2. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera can not be missing in our home, since it is an excellent moisturizer and healing, and it is also refreshing, without adding shine to oily skin.

We can extract its gel naturally, cutting and peeling one of the leaves of the plant, or we can buy it. In this case we will see that it is really aloe vera gel and that it does not contain other ingredients, other than the essential preservatives.

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3. Orange essential oil

Orange essential oil will add a delicious aroma to our body moisturizer, and will even improve our mood thanks to its antidepressant and revitalizing properties.

Its topical use also firms the skin, promotes collagen formation, and fights acne and dermatitis.

4. Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil is an essential ingredient if we have circulation problems or are experiencing moments of fatigue and exhaustion.

It is a great tonic for aging skin and also has antiseptic properties, recommended for oily or acne-prone skin.

rosemary net-effect

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E will allow us to better preserve this cream, since it acts as a natural preservative. Its properties for the skin are antioxidant, rejuvenating and protective against free radicals.

We can buy it in herbalists and health food stores. In some cases it is sold in capsules, which can also be used for this recipe.


  • 50 ml of almond oil.
  • 50 ml of aloe vera gel.
  • 10 drops of orange essential oil.
  • 10 drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • 20 drops of vitamin E.


body moisturizer

  1. We will mix the almond oil well with the aloe vera. If we have used natural aloe vera, we may have to use a blender to dilute the gel well.
  2. Next, we will add the essential oils and mix all the ingredients.
  3. We will keep the cream in a dark glass jar for a maximum of fifteen days in the fridge.

Feel free to try this body moisturizer with these natural ingredients to help hydrate your skin.

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