Live Happily, Face Your Fears

Fears are part of the life of each person, but the way to assume them is what determines to what degree they influence day-to-day life and decision-making.

For emotional health, it is very dangerous when a person does not control his fears and lives in a state of alert and anxiety, since these can rob him of joyful moments, energy, hope and, in worse cases, the will to live and fight .

Although happiness has multiple definitions, it is important not to put it aside just out of fear. We will reflect a little more on this below.

Tips for Facing Fears

In life, fear is a defense mechanism that alerts you to a danger or something that is not convenient to do. However, when you don’t have control over it, it becomes unnecessary that, in the long run, can prevent you from taking important steps in life and finding happiness.

Making the decision to combat fears in order to live happily is something you can do at any time taking into account some recommendations. Are you ready to do it? Go for it!

1. To face your fears: accept the fear

The first step to being able to free yourself from your fears is to recognize that they are there and that they attack you. Once you have taken this step, we can begin to analyze each one: its origin, its triggers, the limitations they imply on a day-to-day basis, and so on.

Once you have recognized that you have a problem, you can ask yourself something very simple (but really powerful): is it necessary to live in a state of alert for that or can we leave it behind and keep moving forward? Recognizing fear already makes us brave.

2. Delve into the origin

When you know the cause of our fears, you can delve into it so that you can get rid of the thoughts that prevent you from moving forward. Depending on the problem, you can ask for professional help or not. Of course, if you need it, it is important to take advantage of it.

3. Normalize errors

Many times, you think that if you don’t make mistakes, you can avoid suffering. Therefore, when you make mistakes, your fears take hold of you more strongly than ever and not only make you suffer but also prevent you from taking new risks when doing things and living.

Therefore, it is necessary to work on normalizing errors and finding a way to focus on  opportunities and not on the negative. Do you really have to let life go by for fear of making a mistake?

It is possible to fall and get back up. Although sometimes it costs more than others, in the end, it can always be done if we try.

4. Live in the present

It is surprising how people become filled with anguish and anxiety thinking about the future and the possible things that may happen. It is not bad to dream, create a plan for the future or wait for something good to happen ; what is wrong is to let yourself be carried away by negativity or to stress yourself out by wanting to reach a future that does not yet exist.

5. Practice a relaxation technique


Relaxation techniques are great therapy for many moments in life and can become the best remedy to overcome fears and negative emotions.

Find a quiet place in your house, where you have enough space and total silence. If you want, you can set yourself up with relaxing music and some scents.

  • Sit with your feet crossed and your hands in a prayer position in front of your chest.
  • Close your eyes and begin to breathe in and out gently, trying to focus on your breath.
  • After a few seconds, raise your arms above your head and make your palms interlock looking up.
  • Stretch your arms as far as you can, then move your body to one side, then repeat to the other.
  • Return to the starting position and rest.

6. Drive away negative people

Surrounding yourself with negative or envious people can be one of the biggest obstacles to achieving happiness and overcoming fears. Therefore, getting away from these types of people and staying only with those who provide support and encourage us to live is one of the best decisions to live well.

Live happily and without fear

It is not always easy to overcome fears but that does not mean that it is impossible. The key is to keep moving and not let difficulties turn into cages. 

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