Learn How To Prepare Your Own Apple Cider Vinegar At Home

Apple cider vinegar is a very popular product around the world, known for its multiple uses both at home and medicinally and in different beauty routines. But, if you want to learn how to prepare your own apple cider vinegar, we recommend that you continue reading.

In the market we can find different brands of apple cider vinegar with different prices, although most agree that they are very cheap.

However, some brands do not offer a high quality product so, sometimes, it is not possible to take advantage of all the benefits that it offers us, as this study points out, when it is pure.

Why make your own apple cider vinegar at home?

Preparing your apple cider vinegar at home is easier than you can imagine and, in addition, it is much cheaper. It is true that in the market we find it at a good price and ready for consumption.

However, not all brands are reliable, as some apple cider vinegars on the market contain sulfites, which is a substance that works as a preservative and allows it to look homogeneous. This substance takes away properties of vinegar and makes it not so good.

Apple vinager

How to make apple cider vinegar at home?

Step 1. Extract the juice

  • Try to choose the sweetest apples without a trace of bumps, mold or some kind of rot. Look for organic apples that have not been subjected to pesticides or other chemicals that can disrupt fermentation.
  • Wash them very well, peel them and remove the core.
  • Later, extract the juice from the apple pulp, so that you get a liter, more or less.

Step 2. Get the wort

  • The juice that you have extracted in the previous step should be poured into a glass or clay glass, as wide as possible, which you should only fill halfway in order for the fermentation to be good.
  • You will cover it with a balloon, to prevent oxygen from entering and for the fermentation gases to expand.
  • The temperature should be kept between 18 and 20ºC  and you should keep it between 4 and 6 weeks.
  • The sweetness of the apples is key to obtaining the vinegar. For this reason we recommend the ripest apples. However, if the apples are sour you can add a little sugar.
  • If you want the fermentation to be faster, the trick is to leave a piece of skin on the apple before making the juice.
  • To continue with the next step, which is the transformation into vinegar, you have to pour the must into another container.

Step 3. Convert wort into vinegar

  • Pour the wort into a wide container and take it to a warm place in your house, for example, next to the stove or in direct sunlight. Let it rest for 3 days and covered with a clean cloth.
  • After the three recommended days you should uncover the container and ensure that it is kept at an average temperature of about 20ºC, as sudden changes in temperature could damage it.
  • Stir the contents once a day so that you can preserve the layer of leaven that appears on the surface.
  • To finish, you should filter the vinegar and store it in a preferably dark bottle, since direct light can make it damage easier. As a result you will obtain an organic apple cider vinegar, free of chemicals and with all its medicinal properties.

Another recipe to prepare your own apple cider vinegar at home

The acid in apple cider vinegar is an active compound that helps to eradicate fungi.

This alternative to prepare your own apple cider vinegar at home is much simpler and takes less time than the previous process.


  • 5 liters of mineral water.
  • 1 kilo and a half of very ripe apples.
  • 1 kilo of brown sugar.

Preparation mode

  • Wash and disinfect the apples well with a little bicarbonate of soda diluted in water. Once clean, cut them into pieces and mix them with the sugar, so that everything is well crushed.
  • Later, in a glass container, we put the five liters of water and add the apple puree and sugar. We cover the container, in such a way that air can enter it but flies and other critters cannot enter it.
  • The first ten days you have to stir the mixture daily with a wooden spoon.
  • In the next ten days you will only stir the mixture every other day.
  • Finally, you will let it rest for another ten days.

In a total of 30 days you will obtain a very good quality apple cider vinegar, after straining and packaging the mixture.

Avoid keeping it in a jar filled to the top, as it can continue to ferment until it explodes. If possible, open it once a day to prevent this effect from occurring. Do you dare to prepare your own apple cider vinegar?

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