Is It Possible To Prevent Breast Cancer?

There is no measure capable of 100% prevention of cancer. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following your doctor’s recommendations can contribute to a good quality of life.

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the world in both men and women, according to data from the National Institute of Cancer. It is a chronic and incurable disease that occurs when the cells of the breast tissue begin to grow abnormally.

Although it is true that this disease does not “warn”, it is possible to detect it early (and thus increase the chances of successful treatment) through self-examinations and regular mammograms.

According to the experts of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), when breast cancer is detected in its initial stage, the chances of a cure are almost 100%.

In addition, they recommend putting into practice a series of healthy habits that, although they do not always completely guarantee their prevention, they do contribute to minimizing risks significantly.

What are the causes of breast cancer?

The causes of breast cancer are not 100% clear. Doctors agree that it occurs when some of the breast cells begin to grow abnormally, rapidly. These cells can spread (metastasize) throughout the breast and other tissues of the body, as they manage to travel through the blood and lymphatic vessels.

Most cases start in the cells of the ducts that make milk. This is called: invasive duct carcinoma. It can also originate in the glandular tissue or lobes, known as invasive lobular carcinoma. Other cancers form on other tissues within the breast.

Risk factor’s

For years some hormonal, environmental and genetic factors have been identified as possible causes of breast cancer. However, it is not clear why some develop the disease and others do not. 

Among the most common risk factors are:

  • Consume alcoholic beverages.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • Having been exposed to radiation
  • Having had menstruation at an early age.
  • Giving birth for the first time after age 30.
  • Begin to have menopause later in life.
  • Having been on hormone therapy (postmenopausal).
  • Having a personal and family history of breast cancer.
  • Being female (although men can also suffer from breast cancer, women are usually the most affected).
  • Advanced age (as the years go by, the risk of suffering from this disease increases).

Symptoms of breast cancer

In its early stages, it can be difficult to detect breast cancer. However, as the disease progresses, the following symptoms may occur:

  • A lump or thickening of the breast.
  • A change in the size and shape of the breast.
  • Changes in the skin that covers the breast.
  • A nipple that is inverted for the first time.
  • Peeling of the pigmented area of ​​the skin of the nipple.
  • Redness or small holes in the skin of the breast.

Breast self-exam to prevent breast cancer.

Recommendations to prevent breast cancer

Due to the complexity of the disease, it is impossible to speak of a 100% effective method to prevent breast cancer. However, there are habits and recommendations that can reduce the risk of suffering from it, especially if there is exposure to any of the factors mentioned above.

1. Stay active

Women who have an active lifestyle are less likely to develop the disease. Physical activity helps balance estrogen levels, key hormones for female health.

2. Avoid being overweight

Organisms that have a higher number of fat cells are at high risk for cancer. For this reason, it is essential to adopt habits to maintain an adequate weight.

3. Limit alcohol consumption

The consumption of alcoholic beverages negatively impacts health and increases the risk of breast cancer and other types of cancer. Therefore, it is best to avoid its consumption.

4. Choose to breastfeed

The act of breastfeeding is not only the best way to provide your baby with good nutrition, but it is also a method to reduce the risk of breast cancer and other aggressive diseases.

5. Take a monthly self-exam

Self-examination is key in the prevention of breast cancer. This evaluation helps to detect in a timely manner the presence of any abnormality in the breast tissue.

6. Request genetic tests

When there is a family history of breast cancer, it is advisable to request genetic tests to find out how high the risk is. The doctor, through a professional evaluation, can determine if treatment is necessary.


Are you worried about breast cancer? If you have reasons to suspect this disease, consult the specialist as soon as possible and ask for the relevant tests.

In general, if you want to reduce the chances of development, put all the above tips into practice and make them part of your lifestyle. And remember, in case you have doubts, consult your doctor.

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