Inflamed Vocal Cords: Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

When we have inflamed vocal cords, our voices become strange and a particular discomfort in the neck warns us that something is wrong. In winter, we associate it with going out in the cold and with changes in temperature. However, there are also occupational pathologies behind the disorder.

The vocal cords are actually very small muscles that are located in the larynx. The air passes through there so that we can articulate the voice, due to the vibrations that these fibers experience. When the inflammatory fluid accumulates in the region, it is logical to think that we will not speak the same.

Causes of swollen vocal cords

The vocal cords can become inflamed in themselves, in their entirety or as a consequence of a growth process on their surface. Although more in depth, we would say that the causes can be infectious or non-infectious.

Among the infectious agents we have viruses and bacteria. Laryngitis of this origin has its peak onset in the fall and winter, when low temperatures favor the spread of viral particles and microorganisms that colonize the anatomical area.

To defend itself, the immune system mobilizes white blood cells and immunoglobulins to the region, which increases the flow of fluids that, due to the thinness of the cords, make them collapse. In this way, its functionality is reduced while the process continues.

Infectious laryngitis can last up to 3 weeks, many times without the presence of the initial agent. This is because the immune reaction is prolonged in time and the inflammation persists, despite the absence of what originated it.

At the other extreme, the non-infectious forms of laryngitis have primarily professional origins. Teachers, professors and speakers know well that the little care of the voice and the overexertion of it, lead to the appearance of nodules and polyps.

Inflamed vocal cords in the workplace are a subject of study for forensic medicine. They are considered a consequence of the lack of prevention in work spaces, particularly in schools.

Faced with excessive use, for long periods of time without rest, without hydration and at high sound levels, the small muscles of the larynx accumulate fluid by rubbing against each other. If the practice is repeated, the result is chronicity.

Causes of swollen vocal cords

Symptoms of laryngitis

When talking about laryngitis or inflamed vocal cords, the first thing we recognize is the alteration of the voice. Still, as we will see below, it is not the only sign of the problem.

Changes in the voice have sieves. Some people turn down the volume, still wanting to scream or trying to increase the pitch. For others there is complete loss, in the picture that we would call aphonia.

Pain is not uncommon. Sometimes they are confused with a pharyngitis, more superior; or with a difficulty swallowing that is mistakenly associated with the esophagus. Laryngitis hurts insidiously and repeatedly, at all times, complicating the task of resting and sleeping.

So much so that snoring is part of the spectrum of presentation of inflamed vocal cords. In overweight people this becomes more evident, since, being horizontal, the weight of the neck puts more pressure on the larynx and interrupts the passage of air.

Vocal cord paralysis from inflammation is the most serious form of the disorder. Being muscles, they can be exhausted by excessive effort. They can even lose their characteristic muscle tone.

How to treat inflamed vocal cords?

The treatment of the pathology will depend on the cause. A viral laryngitis is not the same as a polyp on the strings due to an occupational disease. Similarly, the long-term approach to a person with chronic dysphonia is different from aphonia due to an infection that will resolve in a few days.

Let’s analyze in the most common diseases what can be done and how:

  • Virotic laryngitis: This is the most common infection of the vocal cords. There is no specific treatment, as antibiotics are in vain. Try to rest your voice and wait for recovery. Anti-inflammatories are sometimes required to soothe pain and help thin secretions. Cough suppressants are not recommended as they are of no benefit.
  • Nodules and polyps: These overgrowths in the vocal cord are addressed with a study that can also be therapeutic, such as laryngoscopy. A device is inserted through the nose, which carries a camera and surgical tools. If necessary, an impact is made to remove them, and if not, a rehabilitation task with speech therapists is proposed.
  • Laryngeal cancer: the oncological approach plan for this pathology is determined by the classification of severity and stages. This will determine whether there will be surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of all of these.
How to treat inflamed vocal cords?

When to consult in the presence of voice disorders?

The vocal cords are delicate organs. Its care is essential because the voice allows us to communicate with others at a level of expression that suffers if we do not have it or lose it.

Before dysphonia, aphonia or sore throat, it is advisable to consult. If it is a viral laryngitis, conservative treatments and rest to wait will be indicated. If there is suspicion of nodules or polyps, the otolaryngologist will perform an invasive procedure to see live what happens inside. It will be quick and will bring us closer to the diagnosis.

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