How To Treat Canker Sores And Ulcers Naturally

Sodium bicarbonate is a highly recommended remedy to relieve sores and canker sores and to heal them, as it has multiple properties to fight viruses and bacteria.

Canker sores are small lesions that appear on the inside of the lips, cheeks, or roof of the mouth. They are usually annoying, painful and take a long time to heal. However, did you know that they can be treated with some homemade natural alternatives?

Learn in this article how to treat canker sores naturally.

What are canker sores?

An ulceration that can appear on the cheeks, lips, tongue, also on the soft palate, even at the base of the gums, is called canker sore or sore.

Canker sores are generally painful and appear initially as red, inflamed spots, which later open up and become whitish or sometimes yellowish in color with a red halo around them.

It is also known as a canker sore or aphthous stomatitis and usually last between 7 and 20 days. It is necessary to know that it is quite common for them to reappear in the same place.

Among the main causes of its appearance are:

  • Immune deficiencies  due to illness or eating problems.
  • Injuries to the mouth such  as wearing dentures, roughly brushing teeth, biting, rubbing between teeth, etc.
  • Hormonal changes, such  as during the female menstrual period.
  • Allergic reactions to foods such as acids or nuts
  • Stress

Canker sores and sores usually improve spontaneously, although  we can help the healing and disappearance  using certain remedies. If after a few days you do not see improvement, we advise you to consult your doctor to carry out a more appropriate treatment.

Here we present you:

Natural alternatives for canker sores

It is very important to consider that none of these natural alternatives can be a substitute for a medication previously prescribed by a professional, and that to begin its use or application, and then consult a doctor, because perhaps they should be used to reinforce what is suggest in a professional consultation.

It is not recommended to attribute “miraculous” characteristics to these alternatives, since the human body, especially at the level of our organism, is more complex than we usually imagine and we must attend to it responsibly and conscientiously.

That said, then you can take advantage of the benefits of some natural products to relieve symptoms and help heal sores and canker sores, among these we can mention:

  • Honey

Honey from bees has antimicrobial and healing properties. To apply it as a treatment it is important to dry the affected area with a cloth or absorbent paper and place a few drops of honey in the center of the sore.

Then a small massage should be given, either with well-washed and clean fingers, or with the help of a cotton or gauze that has been previously disinfected.

Do you want to know more? Read: Turmeric with honey: a priceless remedy

  • Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda-as-a-beauty-treatmentAccording to some specialists, bicarbonate burns the fibrin membrane that covers the wound, promoting its healing.

It is therefore recommended to dilute 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate in 1 cup of water and rinse with this solution, keeping it in the mouth for as long as possible. It is advisable to do it between 3 and 4 times a day.

  • Grain salt

sea ​​saltTo promote the cleaning and healing of canker sores, it is very effective to rinse with hot water with grain salt. In fact, the process is exactly the same as the previous one, only that it is suggested to do it 2 or 3 times a day.

Important note: if you notice any irritation, it is advisable to stop using it immediately. Even more responsible, consult a doctor.

  • Sage remedy

Sage-lotionSage, a plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, is said to have healing and antibacterial properties. To prepare this remedy, boil a cup of water with a teaspoon of dried sage for a few minutes. Remove from heat, cover and cool for 10 minutes. When it is warm you can strain it and rinse with the liquid, do not drink it. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

  • aloe vera

Among the properties of Aloe vera is the healing of ulcers and protection against the attack of bacteria. Using a lengthwise cut aloe stem, separate the skin from the plant and place the pulp over the ulcer. Usually you will feel relief in a few minutes.

Also check: 4 aloe vera-based preparations to combat slow digestion

  • Cider vinegar

With properties similar to those of bicarbonate, it  can help you heal canker sores faster, although you will have to endure the burning a bit. Mix ½ cup of cider vinegar and ½ cup of warm water and gargle 2 to 3 times a day until the sores disappear.

Finally, it is demanding to remember the importance of making minimal efforts to try to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced and responsible diet that includes all the required macronutrients per day.

In addition, if we add some type of physical activity between 3 and 4 times a week, then we will obtain a lifestyle with less stress and less possibilities of acquiring a canker sore or ulcer.

Do not forget to read: 11 Properties of apple cider vinegar

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