How To Treat An Ingrown Toenail?

Thanks to its antiseptic properties, garlic can help us reduce pain and inflammation caused by ingrown toenails and speed up their recovery.

Did you know that we can use crushed garlic to relieve an ingrown toenail? In this article we share a very effective remedy that calms, deflates and disinfects this common problem for many people. It is simple and we can do it at home ourselves.

Toenails become ingrown or inward when one side of the nail bends and begins to “burrow” into the flesh of the finger. This is one of the causes that generates more visits to podiatry centers. More than a mere cosmetic issue, you go to the podiatrist for the deep pain it causes.  

Why are nails ingrown?

The most common cause of ingrown nails is not knowing how to cut them well. Nails should be cut square. Therefore, we should never cut the rounded edges, as this causes them to grow inward and incarnate. Another reason is to wear shoes that are very tight and do not fit our feet.

There is also a greater risk of suffering from this condition in people with osteoarthritis or who, in a hereditary way, have excessive skin growth. Any type of malformation in the fingers is a risk that we must bear in mind and controlled by a professional.

relieve an ingrown toenail

Types of ingrown toenail

There are two types of nails that are ingrown and that we must take into account when cutting and fixing them. It should be noted that both cases cause inflammation, pain, infection and tear of the finger tissue :

  • When a nail tip or edge penetrates the side of the finger.
  • When the nail enters in front of the finger.

It is very common for this condition to recur many times in the same patient. For this reason, it would be convenient, in addition to alleviating it with natural remedies, for the podiatrist to have a follow-up of our case to help us prevent it.

Can garlic be a good remedy?

Garlic is a superfood with many healing properties, both internally and externally. In addition to spicing and enhancing the flavor of the food we prepare, garlic acts as a powerful antibiotic and antioxidant.

Some of the properties of garlic are the following:

  • It is used as a fungicide, antiviral and antibiotic.
  • It is an important nutrient for the skin.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves circulation and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps you recover faster from colds and flu.
  • It acts as a depurative of heavy metals.
  • It is one of the greatest antioxidants that exist.

How do we treat the ingrown toenail?

First step: water with salt

To begin with, the first course of action is to mitigate the pain. For this reason, we will heat water with salt and immerse the foot for a few minutes. With this action we will achieve that the nail softens and the access to the nail is easier. In this way, we can cut it with a small scissors.

However, for cases in which the ingrown toenail is very advanced, it is advisable to see a specialist. In some patients in whom the nail has penetrated a lot, even surgery may be required, since without anesthesia it is too painful.

Therefore, it is a problem to which we must give the importance it has and not let it be.

salt water to soothe an ingrown toenail

Remedy with crushed garlic

One of the most used ancient remedies to relieve an ingrown toenail is crushed garlic. The reason is that garlic has very effective natural antiseptic properties, while reducing pain and inflammation.


  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (20 g)
  • 1 bandage


  • Crush the garlic until it is well crushed.
  • We can use it like this directly or mix it with aloe vera gel to facilitate its application.
  • We can also use garlic cut in half and apply it on the skin.


  • Apply the garlic or garlic paste on the ingrown toenail and bandage the finger or toe, depending on the position that is most comfortable for us.
  • Leave to act for at least 30 minutes, and repeat every 8 hours. We can also apply it before going to bed and leave it overnight.
  • If we have sensitive skin, we recommend putting aloe vera gel around the nail before applying the remedy. In this way we will prevent the garlic from irritating the skin.
  • Repeat for several days until you notice an improvement and relieve an ingrown toenail.

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