How To Take Care Of The Combination Skin Of Your Complexion

Dry skin needs deep hydration to prevent wrinkles, while oily skin requires products that remove excess sebum and leave the skin dull. But what about combination skin?

It usually combines dry areas (cheekbones, eye contour and neck) with fatty areas (T-zone: forehead, nose and chin), sometimes even with the presence of pimples or the premature appearance of crow’s feet.

Next, we will explain how you can balance your combination skin with natural remedies to achieve a nourished complexion without shine.

Relationship between diet and skin

Diet nourishes us

The face speaks of health and gives clues on how to improve the appearance while taking care of the interior. Combination skin highlights some errors in diet that must be corrected:

  • Excess sugar and refined foods.
  • Excess harmful fats: fried; creams; sweet; sausages; junk food; Precooked foods; poor quality hydrogenated fats and oils.
  • Excess salt.
  • Healthy fat deficit: first cold pressed vegetable oils; nuts; avocados; oily fish or egg yolk.
  • Raw fruit and vegetable deficit.
  • Insufficient intake of water outside of meals.

If you balance the diet with these guidelines, even if you do it gradually, you will notice how the skin also improves its texture and sebaceous secretion. This is stated in this study carried out by Dr. Puerto Caballero, who decided to deepen the relationship between nutrition and the possible development of dermatological disorders.

Also, you will experience a great improvement in appearance when you get up in the morning.

A single product for combination skin?

In general, it is difficult to find a moisturizing lotion for combination skin. However, if you go to the dermatologist, he or she will be able to tell you which is the most appropriate for your case. Their guidelines will greatly facilitate the selection of products for daily skin care.

Although it seems that, in general, products to hydrate the skin leave it too oily and shiny, today it is possible to find formulas specially designed to offer hydration, without leaving too much shine or stimulating the production of oil. Also, many already have a matte effect built in.

For dry areas

Coconut oil

According to popular beliefs, in addition to following the guidelines of the dermatologist and having a good care routine with special products and according to the type of skin, it would be advisable to apply, from time to time and as a homemade mask, a natural oil. This is because it is believed that the oil would help to deeply hydrate the skin, without irritating it. 

  • They can be chosen from the lightest (such as coconut or jojoba), to the fattest (such as olive, rosehip or shea butter), passing through the intermediate ones, which would be sesame, the almonds and flax.
  • Once a week, you can  apply a natural and homemade mask based on avocado, ripe banana or egg yolk to dry areas, or combine these ingredients.
  • It is left to act for a few minutes and then it is cleaned with water.

For oily areas

In the brighter, oily or acne areas you can use aloe vera gel (which contains healing properties, as suggested by this study by the Amalia Simoni Argilagos Provincial Teaching Surgical Clinical Hospital in Camagüey, Cuba, rose water or chamomile infusions.

You apply it with a cotton ball and let it dry before applying any other product or makeup.

  • In these areas  you can also perform gentle exfoliations once or twice a week.
  • The fatty areas of the face are massaged gently, making circles, and rinsed with warm or cold water.
  • After moisturizing cream is applied.

Lotion for combination skin


According to popular beliefs, aloe vera is a product that can help to care for combination skin and also offer some hydration. To take advantage of these benefits, preparations such as the following are often proposed:


  • 50 ml of extra virgin coconut oil (at a slightly warm temperature so that its texture is liquid and can be mixed well with the rest of the ingredients).
  • 50 ml of fresh or packaged aloe vera gel, but as pure as possible and without artificial additives.
  • 15 drops of tea tree essential oil (if you have pimples). Its use is due to its antibacterial properties, as stated in this research carried out by a team from the Western Australia University.


  • Mix the ingredients well with a small spatula or spoon and keep this lotion in a tightly closed glass container in the fridge.
  • You should use it within a month to maintain its properties, since it only contains natural preservatives.

Apply it all over your face, in dry and oily areas, so that the sebaceous secretion is balanced.

Be careful with the use of natural elements

It is common to hear that certain foods, such as lemon or apple cider vinegar, can be applied as a tonic, or as part of a mask. This should not be done under any circumstances, since they could damage the skin and even worsen certain conditions (such as acne or dermatitis).

Before carrying out any natural treatment, go to the dermatologist first. Their guidelines and recommendations can save you a lot of headaches.

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