How To Store Breast Milk

Expressing and storing breast milk is sometimes necessary. To do it properly and not lose its properties, you have to follow certain recommendations.

The fact that the mother works or studies does not mean that she should stop breastfeeding. In fact, it is enough that you know how to preserve breast milk to have more facilities when giving it to the baby in the bottle.

To understand this, let’s review a few issues briefly.

The American Academy of Pediatrics considers that breast milk is the only truly adequate food during the first 6 months of life, since it has been proven to provide multiple benefits for the health of the baby.

For this reason, experts consider that it is convenient for the baby to be breastfed until 12 months of age, and even longer if the mother or child wishes.

As the mother has to continue with her routine throughout breastfeeding, it is recommended that she know how to conserve breast milk properly to make it easier for her to combine feeding her baby with her activities.

General recommendations when it comes to storing breast milk

Baby drinking breast milk

The milk extracted from the mother’s breast and properly preserved maintains most of its properties without any problem. In every way, it is much better than any formula.

In any case, the most important thing is that both at the time of extraction and conservation of breast milk, proper hygiene is maintained. That is, it will be essential to wash your hands well  before expressing or handling the milk.

Likewise, the containers in which it is to be stored should be washed very well, with soap and hot water. It is very important to label these containers with the date of extraction.

To guarantee safety, it is appropriate to follow all the extraction and storage instructions, such as those indicated in this work carried out by researchers from the Ricardo Palma University. The most convenient thing is to deposit the milk in small containers, since this facilitates its conservation and avoids waste.

Where and for how long to store breast milk

There are two types of containers for storing breast milk properly. The first is a bottle, or a glass or plastic container, that has an airtight seal. The second is a sterile bag, which must also be airtight.

In both cases, it is appropriate to store only the amount that the baby consumes in a meal. Thus, if the baby is used to taking 4 ounces, it is recommended not to deposit more than 4 ounces in each container. A label with the date of extraction should never be overlooked.

Storage time depends on the temperature at which it is stored. According to this information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at room temperature, it is kept in good condition for up to 4 hours, approximately. If stored in the fridge, it lasts about 4 days.

Finally, if the bottle or bag is stored in the freezer, it could be kept for up to 12 months, although it is always advisable to consume it before 6 months so that it preserves all its properties and does not lose quality.

Methods to preserve breast milk

Breast milk in bags to refrigerate.

If breast milk is to be used in the following hours, there is no need to refrigerate it, but to keep it in a clean container that protects it from the action of the environment. In case you want to store it to be used in later days or weeks, it is necessary to take it to the fridge.

To preserve breast milk properly, the following indications must be taken into account:

  • Breast milk must be cold before being refrigerated.
  • If it is going to be used in the following days, it is convenient to store it in the back of the refrigerator or refrigerator, not in the doors of the same.
  • If it is going to be used in the following weeks, it is best to freeze breast milk. This should be done in the shortest possible time after removal.
  • Containers should not be filled more than three-quarters full, as breast milk expands when frozen.
  • The containers should preferably be located at the back of the freezer, as the temperature is more consistent there.

Other data to take into account

Stored breast milk tends to separate into layers. Before giving it to the baby, it is necessary to shake the bottle gently, since, if it is done with a lot of energy, some properties of the food may be altered.

Thawed milk keeps good for two hours at room temperature, or 24 hours in the refrigerator. After thawing, it cannot be refrozen. The best way to thaw it is to put it in the bottle and place it in a container with warm water.

Also, it should never be thawed in a microwave or in boiling water. All this is pointed out by this publication of the Spanish Association for the Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding.

It is very common for milk to change its color and smell a little during refrigeration or freezing. If all the instructions for storing breast milk have been followed, there is nothing to worry about. If the smell is very intense, it is probably not suitable for consumption, so it is best to get rid of it.

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