How To Restore Split Ends Without Cutting Them

Is it possible to restore split ends without cutting them? Maybe you love to wear long hair, but you don’t want to go to the hairdresser. If so, split ends have probably already taken that groomed look out of your hair.

The reality is that they are unavoidable as hair grows because it becomes weaker and more brittle. However, they are hateful for those who want to show off a beautiful mane.

Suppose the hair finally reached its longest level; providing you with a plus of confidence. But suddenly … the appearance of a split toe enters the scene to ruin it. Don’t worry, you won’t need to visit the hairdresser if you anticipate the events. Learn how to restore them without cutting them!

What are split ends and why do they appear?

Split ends, also called bobby pins, are the division or break that occurs at the end of the hair strands. These suggest dry, damaged and poorly maintained hair ; Main reason why the hairdresser cuts you too much in most cases.

How to restore split ends

But don’t blame him, you just want your hair to look healthy and that’s why you need to cut them from birth. And it is that among the reasons behind split ends, an article published by the expert Encarnación María Pérez Ruiz points out the following:

  • Dry.
  • Lack of hydration.
  • Sudden changes in temperature.
  • Chemicals
  • Sea water.
  • Chlorine
  • Excess shampoo.
  • Comb or brush it vigorously.

In addition, the hair weakens when you subject it to the iron, the dryer, the dyes, the beach and the pool. And yes, it can be difficult to give up all of this in order to maintain healthy hair, but don’t worry: it is not necessary.

Of course, you should avoid excesses so that the hair does not suffer. However, you can continue with the same beauty routines if you include grooming sessions to restore split ends.

Is it possible to restore split ends without cutting them?

The first thing is to become aware of how you treat your hair to leave behind the bad habits that damage it. And, once you learn to avoid them, it will be time to get down to work to regain their beauty. But how can you do it? Write down the following tricks!

1. Moisturize the hair every fortnight

The main reason for the appearance of split ends is dryness, so take care to remove it from the hair.

  • Every fortnight, apply natural masks to your hair to hydrate it. In this way, you will be able to keep it healthy and strong.

2. Drink more water

Water is vital for the proper functioning of the body, and that also includes the hair process. If you are dehydrated or do not drink enough water, this will be reflected in their growth ; since inside you will not be receiving the necessary hydration.

3. Avoid tying hair with hair ties or clips that are too tight.

Tying the hair too tightly will cause it to split.

Hair masks.

For this reason, avoid garters with metal pieces, clips that make a lot of pressure or any other accessory that mistreats the hair excessively.

  • When the hair is damaged and split, the appearance of split ends is immediate. So don’t hold it on too tightly.
  • Also, do not over-tighten the rubber bands because it will be difficult to remove them later. Sometimes you may even have to pull out a bit of hair to get rid of them.

4. Apply essential oils every night

Use a routine of using essential oils every night to restore hair and keep ends well hydrated. This way, you will avoid cutting them for a while.

Just like you brush your teeth or go to the bathroom before bed, you should also spend a few minutes caring for your hair.

  • Detangles and brushes gently.
  • Then use an essential oil on the ends. This can be almond, olive or coconut.
  • Of course, remember to apply it only on the ends so that the hair does not get greasy.

5. Cut every three months

The ideal is to act on the hair when it is healthy to prevent the appearance of split ends. For this reason, it is necessary that you adopt the habit of cutting them from time to time so that you do not have to do more in the future.

Don’t worry, the specialists in the area of ​​Cosmetic, Medical and Surgical Dermatology explain that hair grows one to two centimeters every month. And this way, you only have to cut a few millimeters to keep it free of split ends.

  • As you cut it, begin by applying moisturizing masks and begin restorative therapy and constant care.

Learn how to restore split ends without going to the salon

As you have seen, there are no miracle remedies to get rid of split ends ; since they are part of the natural process of hair growth.

However, by following these simple tips you will see that, little by little, the split ends will disappear. Thus, you can wear a long, beautiful and healthy hair. Try it!

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