How To Relieve Tension Headache With 8 Natural Remedies

How many times have we not finished a busy day with an intense headache. Either due to work overload or emotional tension, the reality is that we have no choice but to go to bed. This discomfort is known as tension headache and in this article you will find 8 natural remedies to alleviate it.

What is tension headache?

A tension headache is generally described as the feeling of having a tight band around the head. Continuous (non-pulsating) pain, pressure on the forehead and sides, and tension in the scalp, neck, and shoulders are experienced. Although the exact causes of this common disorder are unknown, it is believed that stress may be its main trigger. Unlike migraines, these headaches are not normally associated with visual disturbances, nausea, or vomiting.

Tension headaches can be: episodic and chronic.


They can last from 30 minutes to a week. Frequent episodic tension headaches can become chronic.


The pains occur 15 days or more per month for a period of three months.

We recommend you see a doctor if the headaches are persistent and / or are affecting your daily routine. Remember that a headache can be an indicator of other more serious disorders. Either way here we show you

How to relieve tension headache with 5 natural remedies

Currently there are multiple pharmacological therapies to treat headache but there are

natural remedies that can alleviate this disorder.

  1. Ginger tea

The rhizome of this plant is characterized by having anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Ginger tea   not only relieves headache but is also able to control nausea in the case of migraine headaches.

  1. Chamomile tea

chamomile for tension headacheHeadache can be relieved with an infusion of chamomile. This plant is rich in components that reduce inflammation and anxiety. Have a cup of chamomile tea   to relax and the tension headache will go away.

  1. Peppermint eye mask

We can prepare a concentrated mint infusion and apply it in compresses on the surface of the eyelids for 20 minutes. This remedy is said to relieve headaches and relax the eye muscles.

  1. Apple cider vinegar mask

This mask has analgesic properties. Place compresses with cold apple cider vinegar and you will see its effects on the pain.

  1. Lavender

In infusion or in body oil, lavender is able to relieve headaches, reduce inflammation of the tissues and act on the nervous system. We recommend its topical use.

In conclusion

Now you know different natural remedies to relieve tension headaches. Either way, respecting your sleep hours, eating a healthy diet, and practicing yoga or meditation will help you manage tensions and avoid this disorder.

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