How To Aromatize The House In A Natural Way

If bad smells flood your home and you don’t know what to do with them, or if you are looking for a homemade alternative to avoid having to spray so much spray that damages the environment. We invite you to read the following article where you will learn how to aromatize the house in a natural way, so that the aromas are your letter of introduction or your distinctive touch.

We know that many sprays or perfumes sold to scent the home contain toxic substances that pollute the air and affect health, besides being expensive, they do not have a long-lasting effect. However, you should know that there are homemade and natural alternatives.

I am sure that you will have all the ingredients in your kitchen or pantry. And if not, you will get them without problems in your neighborhood store.

1. Natural flavorings for the home

  • Fruity and herbal flavoring

You will need 5 lemons, 10 oranges, rosemary leaves, mint leaves, 250 ml of water and 250 ml of alcohol. Place on a canvas and with the mortar crush the peels of all the citrus fruits, add the leaves of the herbs, until everything is well processed. Put the canvas in a funnel to a spray bottle, pour out the alcohol and water. You can use for curtains, carpets, clothes.

  • Orange flavoring with cloves

    If you combine both elements, you will spread a very sweet aroma throughout the house. You just have to prick the cloves into an orange, place on a tray and let it do the rest. It will serve you for several days or even weeks.

    cloves to scent the house

  • Dried flower flavoring

Cut out some rose petals, eucalyptus leaves and flowers, bay leaves, walnut, thyme, myrtle and sage leaves, ginger, cinnamon, and vanilla. Toss them all together in an outdoor basket or silk pouches for your clothes drawers. When the fragrance has reduced its aroma, you only have to add a few drops of alcohol or rose essence.

  • Vanilla flavoring

Moisten a cotton ball with a few drops of vanilla essence. Place it in a container without a lid in the environment you want to enjoy that aroma. Leave about four hours. When it has no more odor, repeat, using a new cotton ball.


  • Boiled flavorings

    This is a wonderful method to aromatize any environment and it is also very economical. In a small saucepan, add water and bring it to the fire until it boils. When it comes to a boil, add one of these ingredients: cinnamon sticks, vanilla extract, cloves, lemon or orange peels, coffee beans. Pour it into a nicer container and leave it in the room until it cools down.

2. Aromatic plants for the kitchen

The aromatic plants are perfect to cover the smells of fried foods, fish or even some food that has been left in the fridge. You just have to arrange some of them in pots with soil or water, such as basil, rosemary or thyme. And the good thing is that when you need them to cook, they will allow you to make meals much more delicious. Another good aromatic option that is not used in gastronomy is lavender.

  • Used soap flavoring

When the bar of soap is tiny, we change it. And what do we do with the one that is no longer useful for bathing? We can make a perfect flavoring. Break into very small pieces and store them in a cloth or gauze bag. It is used to aromatize underwear drawers, closets, etc. Another idea is to use the colonies that are no longer used or that have little, diluted with water and placed in bowls. When the water evaporates over the days, the aroma will spread throughout the environment.

soap Jess

  • Baking Soda Odor Neutralizer

In a jar, place half a cup of baking soda and between 8 and 12 drops of the essential oils that you like the most (one alone or a combination of several). Drill some holes in the lid of the jar. So that it is not unsightly and you can use it as a decoration object, place a tulle on top. It will serve you to decorate and flavor any environment.

  • Gel flavoring

To prepare this flavoring. Put two to three drops of cake coloring in a jar or container and 30 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Separately boil a cup of water and pour the powder from an unflavored gelatin envelope. Pour in one more cup and a cup of salt. Before it cools, add the food coloring to the container and stir. Let it sit overnight. The scent will last you about a month.


3. Car air freshener

Instead of buying that one that they sell you in stores, you can make a homemade one (also suitable for closets, for example). Prepare a mold with the motif you like, with two equal templates. Cut the drawing out of fabric, twice and stick on a cardboard. Pour 10 drops of essential oil on each side. Let it dry and with the help of a perforator make a hole in the upper part to pass a rope or tape and be able to tie it to the mirror.

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