How Long Does It Take To Cure The Flu?

The flu is one of the most common conditions. Easily contagious, it generally occurs in autumn and winter because the virus survives low temperatures. It can spread quickly in closed areas, where we live more regularly in the cold months. Therefore, it is important that you ventilate your house as often as possible so that the air is renewed.

But how long does it take for the flu to heal? In general, the flu takes between four and ten days to subside from the contagion. It is transmitted through kissing, coughing, sneezing or other forms of contact with the saliva of the affected person. However, the permanence and intensity of the disease depends on several factors such as age, health status and the conditions of the immune system of the affected person.

Drugs do not stop or make the virus go away, they  only relieve symptoms. For this reason, it is not necessary to self-medicate (among other things, because the virus could be more resistant in future appearances). Remember that it is very important that you go to the doctor if you consider it necessary.

Cold or flu?

The first thing is to differentiate the cold from the flu. Although both infections cause similar discomfort, the cold has its origin in just over 200 different viruses. NIH’s Dr. Teresa Hauguel explains the following:

The cold lasts as long as the flu and must still be treated, but its consequences are temporary.


The flu is caused by three types of viruses in the Orthomyxoviridae family :

  • The A, which is capable of generating a general and prolonged epidemic and that can afflict both humans and animals
  • The B, which unleashes local or regional plagues
  • And the C, which leads to a mild condition

The World Health Organization (WHO) explains the following:

In both diagnoses, health agencies recommend resting. It is not necessary to go out in these conditions because individual and collective health is exposed. It must be remembered that not everyone who remains in contact with the virus becomes infected, the most vulnerable social sectors are pregnant women, the elderly, babies and those who suffer from respiratory or immune system disorders.

One fact that we must take into account is that the spread of the flu and the possible contagion begins 24 hours before the onset of symptoms,  and ends five or seven days later.

Main symptoms of the flu

The flu mainly affects the respiratory tract, causing nasal congestion, throat irritation, and inflammation of the lungs. By not allowing fluent breathing, discomforts such as fatigue and tiredness appear. Sometimes it produces severe muscle aches, migraines and fever.

Woman sick with flu

Curing the flu is easier for adults than for children or the elderly. And while the virus is not eradicated, most of its symptoms can be prevented.

To ward off the flu it is recommended:

  • Follow a healthy lifestyle
  • Constantly wash your hands
  • Covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing

If the virus is contracted despite this, medications prescribed by specialists or natural remedies can be used.

How is the flu cured?

The virus incubates in the body and takes two or three days to manifest. What to do then to cure the flu? If the body temperature exceeds 39 ÂșC and persists for more than three days, it is necessary to go to the doctor. It will be he who prescribes the most convenient treatment.

  • Antibiotics are usually prescribed to prevent complications, although they do not play a role in the virus. Likewise, analgesics and antivirals are prescribed to reduce associated ailments
  • If the virus attacks lightly, it can be fought naturally. The body will return to its ideal state with physical rest, drinking plenty of water, fruits and juices rich in vitamin C

In the case of a cough, you can resort to the ingestion of commercial over-the-counter or homemade syrups.

How to eat when we have colds

Fever should not be neglected. The untreated flu can cause severe damage to health, since it weakens the body, exposing it to respiratory infections and other risk factors.

Flu shots

Before, during and after the viral picture, the suggestions are the same: rest, hydration and healthy eating. In a healthy body, this disease does not pose a greater risk. To avoid complications and protect weak populations, there is the flu vaccine.

Effects of the flu and immunity

The vaccine is more advisable in pregnant women and people older than six months who suffer from respiratory insufficiency. Similarly, those with heart conditions, diabetes, and oncological or hematological pathologies should be immunized against the flu.

Those individuals with a high rate of obesity should also be vaccinated, as well as those with chronic liver patients or with a history of cerebrovascular accidents. And remember that the flu vaccine must be renewed every year, to protect against new strains.

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