Gonarthrosis: Symptoms And Treatment

The term gonarthrosis is used to refer to knee osteoarthritis. It is a disease that affects the joint in a chronic and progressive way. Unfortunately, its prevalence is very high, since numerous factors intervene in its development, such as the continuous use of this anatomical area.

The problem is that the knee is one of the joints that supports the most efforts and, in turn, one of the ones that we use the most to move in everyday life. Hence, its impact produces a great impact. Therefore, in this article we explain everything you need to know about knee osteoarthritis.

What is knee osteoarthritis?

Gonarthrosis, as we have pointed out, consists of suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis, itself, is a degenerative disease in which the cartilage that makes up the joint gradually wears down.

In addition, osteophytes are formed, which are small, pointed bone formations in specific areas. All this means that the joint tends to deform. According to a study published in the Peruvian Journal of Rheumatology, the knee is the joint most often affected by osteoarthritis.

In fact, it is estimated that almost 10% of the Spanish population suffers from gonarthrosis. The high incidence of this pathology resides in different factors. Genetics influence development, but there are other situations that can trigger or increase its progression.

For example, trauma or overuse. A person who works with a physical effort that involves pressure on the lower limbs or an athlete, especially runners, has a higher risk of suffering from it.

Gonarthrosis in sport.

What are your symptoms?

The symptoms of knee osteoarthritis vary according to the severity of the process, and can be very disabling. As in osteoarthritis of any other part of the body, there are a number of characteristic manifestations.

First, there is pain in the joint and in the areas around it. What is distinctive about osteoarthritis is that this pain worsens with movement and physical activity. In moments of rest, it tends to mitigate.

The knee is also swollen and unstable. In fact, when the frame is very advanced, it can be enlarged and even deformed. According to an article published in the Mexican Orthopedic Act, many people with knee osteoarthritis present genu varu . It is the term that doctors use to refer to the deviation of the knees outwards.

This disorder gradually makes the knee unstable and tends to dislocate. In the same way, mobility is reduced, which can cause a painful limp.

Gonarthrosis treatment

The treatment of knee osteoarthritis must be multidisciplinary. At present, there are different options, from medical approaches to surgical procedures that alleviate the discomfort caused by this disease.

Before starting any therapy, try to change certain habits. Losing weight is recommended in cases where this causes an overload of the knee. Also, sports that put pressure on the joint should be avoided.

Many physical therapists recommend performing specific exercises that stimulate the knee muscles. According to a study in the Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, both isokinetic and isotonic exercises are adequate.

Gonarthrosis medical treatment

In most cases it is necessary to establish a pharmacological treatment that helps alleviate the pain. For this reason, the most widely used drugs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

In addition, nutritional supplements or enriched plasma are recommended to stimulate cartilage regeneration. For example, chondroitin sulfate or glucosamine. Hyaluronic acid infiltrations can also be made into the joint.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is the treatment of choice when all other therapeutic options fail. Especially in those patients in whom the disease is very advanced and disabling.

In people in whom osteoarthritis is severe and are elderly , the operation consists of implanting a total knee replacement. However, in those who are young and the process is not very serious, an attempt is made to preserve the joint.

Knee pain in elderly woman.

Gonarthrosis is prevented by controlling risk factors

Gonarthrosis is a serious problem that affects the knee. There are different options to treat it, but we must remember that prevention is also an important aspect of this disease.

To avoid it, it is recommended to reduce the intense efforts on the joint and excessive overloads. In addition, if sports are carried out that are harmful to the knee, protection should be used, for example knee pads.

Ideally, physical exercise should be carried out in a moderate way, especially if there is a risk factor for suffering from this pathology. On the other hand, it is important to control weight, since obesity damages the knee by subjecting it to constant overload.

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