Eyestrain And Red Eyes: What To Do To Get Relief?

People who work several hours in a row in front of a computer can have tired eyes and red eyes, thus getting to see things blurry, have difficulty focusing and have a headache. The cause of this would not be the brightness of the screen as such, but the decrease in the frequency of blinking, when keeping your eyes fixed on it.

While the best measure that can be applied on a daily basis is the 20-20-20 rule. There are other ways to take care of your eyes and get relief when you are tired.

Let’s see them below.

The 20-20-20 rule

Jeffrey Anshel, an ophthalmologist, created in 1991 the 20-20-20 rule that simply consists of taking breaks every 20 minutes. That is, after looking at the computer for 20 minutes, you have to look away and focus on anything that is about 6 meters away, for about 20 seconds. 

Doing this exercise every 20 minutes we would provide relief to the eyes and we would avoid ending the day with red, dry eyes and suffering other discomforts.

Other measures to relieve eyestrain

It is important to note that these measures are not scientifically endorsed, but are natural and home remedies that you can use to relieve eyesight. Well applied they can be effective.

First of all, it is essential to disconnect. Although it seems obvious, many people do not really rest. After spending several hours at work looking at the computer, they go outside and keep their eyes fixed on the screens of their mobiles or other electronic devices. It is necessary to try to keep your eyes away from the screens for a good period of time and, when you want to watch a movie (for example) or read a book, apply the 20-20-20 rule.

If possible, it would be wise to look into the distance for a long time. You could also close your eyes for about 5 minutes to rest.

Another option is to use cooling drops or eye drops. In pharmacies they sell refreshing drops that help lubricate the eye and provide relief. Check with the pharmacist which one he recommends.

Similarly, it is possible to apply cold water. After having rested a bit, it would not hurt to relax the area by washing your face with fresh water and placing a damp cloth on your eyelids.

Avoid rubbing your eyes vigorously. Tired eyes can cause itching and other discomfort that make us want to run our hands over our eyes and rub hard on them to relieve ourselves immediately, however, this action is not helpful.

Before running your hands over the eye area, make sure they are clean. Avoid running your hands over your eyes after handling food or touching objects and surfaces in public spaces, as this can cause infections.

If you have concerns and consider that you need more help to relieve tired eyesight, consult your ophthalmologist. The professional will be able to tell you what is best for your case. 

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