Eliminate Fat, Deflate The Belly And Cleanse The Colon With This Natural Smoothie

Instead of drinking flavored waters and industrial drinks labeled ‘light’, we can turn to homemade natural smoothies.

Eliminate fat, reduce inflammation of the belly and cleanse the colon to achieve a slim and healthy figure is the goal of many people. To help them achieve their goal, some homemade drinks have been proposed, such as the following natural shake that we are going to comment on below.

Natural shake to reduce inflammation of the belly

Although this drink, within a balanced diet, can contribute to the achievement of the objectives, it must be clarified that, by itself, it is not capable of making a person lose weight.

You can prepare your natural shake in the morning, before going to train.

The combination of natural ingredients, rich in various nutrients and fiber, make the natural shake help regulate intestinal transit and ease inflammation in the abdominal area.

To prevent this area from looking inflamed, it would be advisable to reduce the consumption of dairy products, as well as fried foods, saturated and trans fats, industrial edibles (which are rich in sodium and sugar) and ultra-processed ones.

To be more clear about the benefits that are achieved with the intake of this natural shake, below we will comment in more detail on the properties of each of its components.



Pineapple is a tropical fruit with a sweet taste that is characterized by its high content of water, digestive enzymes and antioxidant substances. According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, it contains iodine, vitamin C and bromelain, an enzyme that has an analgesic effect that may be able to provide other benefits.

About 85% of its composition is water, which explains its low caloric intake and diuretic effect.

The cucumber

Made up of almost 97% water, cucumber is an extremely light and refreshing fruit that is often included in diets aimed at weight loss.

Due to its diuretic effect, it helps to stimulate urination and reduce inflammation, which is why it is often included in different natural shakes and related recipes to cleanse the colon, reduce inflammation of the abdomen and ‘eliminate fat’.

It is not a food especially rich in any nutrient, however, the Spanish Nutrition Foundation indicates that it contains a certain amount of potassium and vitamin C. 

The Apple

The apple is a fruit rich in various nutrients and in pectin, a type of dietary fiber that regulates intestinal transit. It has been shown that its regular consumption, within a balanced diet, even contributes to the balance of glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood. For this reason, it is included as an ingredient in preparations such as the natural shake that we are going to comment on later.

Orange benefits


Orange is a fruit well known for being a source of vitamin C. However, this fruit is also rich in flavonoids and carotenoids.

According to FEN experts, oranges contain “other vitamins such as vitamin A (33 micrograms) and group B vitamins, especially biotin and folic acid (37 micrograms)”.

It is true that when it is squeezed and consumed in the form of juice, it is rich in sugars, but these are not harmful if consumption is kept moderate, within a balanced diet.

In addition, it is important to remember that the sugars in fruits are a good source of energy to take advantage of before doing a workout, going for a run, playing sports, etc.

Discover: Are the sugars in fruits harmful?

Natural fruit and aloe vera smoothie recipe

This natural smoothie is very easy to prepare at home. Combine the flavor of various fruits and the result is simply delicious. It should be noted that it is not mandatory to use all the ingredients that we are going to indicate, but what is recommended in any case is that you avoid adding sugar or other sweeteners to the drink.


  • ½ cucumber.
  • 1 slice of pineapple.
  • 1 green apple.
  • The juice of 1 orange.
  • ½ glass of water (125 ml).
  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera (30 g).


  • Wash the cucumber and apple well.
  • Next, cut the cucumber into slices. You don’t have to remove the skin.
  • Now take the apple, extract the core and the seeds and cut it as you wish (sliced, cubed or strips).
  • Squeeze the orange juice and reserve a moment.
  • Cut the pineapple slices into small cubes.
  • Take all the ingredients to the blender and process until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Serve and enjoy alongside a meal or snack, or as a refreshing post-workout drink.

The natural shake is preferable to an industrial drink

This natural shake can be a good alternative to industrial drinks (juices, juices, teas, flavored waters and soft drinks), since these are usually rich in sugars and sodium, two elements that can sabotage our plan to lose weight (maintaining it ).

Consume this and other homemade shakes and smoothies in moderation and always try to maintain a balanced diet, according to the needs of your body.

To find out what the best meal plan is for you, consult a nutritionist. 

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