Egg White And Its Properties

Egg white contains a large amount of water and proteins, mainly albumins. In addition, it contains sugars and minerals, among which we can find magnesium and potassium, among others.

On many occasions, the egg has been blamed for raising cholesterol. However, recent research has indicated that this is not true, at least if a maximum of one egg a day is consumed.

However, what can increase cholesterol may be the high consumption of foods rich in fat, which are generally used to accompany the egg. These foods are usually fried potatoes, sausages, red meat …

Egg white properties

  • First, based on data from the US Department of Agriculture , egg whites do not contain fat or cholesterol.
  • It also provides B vitamins, such as riboflamine and niacin.
  • It also contains selenium, betaine, choline and folic acid. Therefore, egg white is a highly recommended food for pregnant women.
  • Egg whites can help maintain a satisfying feeling of fullness. This can be more effective than consuming a large amount of some type of cereal.
  • Egg whites contain, in addition to all the nutrients we have already described, minerals such as: iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.
  • Since ancient times, they have been used as a home remedy to help repair wounds and broken bones. To do this, it should be applied topically on the affected parts. However, we have not found scientific evidence in this regard.

Benefits of consuming egg white


  • On the one hand, the consumption of egg white is ideal in the growth stage. since it helps the correct development of the muscles and, in addition, the mineralization of the bones.
  • On the other hand, egg white would not increase bad cholesterol. On the contrary, as highlighted by a study published in the medical journal Metabolism consuming this food could contribute to the increase of good cholesterol.
  • Also, due to its contribution of proteins and vitamins, especially those of group B and E, it is a food especially recommended for breakfast and, above all, after exercising.

Nutritional values ​​of egg white

To better understand the benefits that we bring to our body with its consumption, we are going to highlight the approximate nutritional values ​​of this food.

100 grams of egg white can provide the following nutritional values:

  • Proteins 3.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates or, 3 g.
  • Calories 49.
  • Vitamins: A (105), B1 (0.5), B2 (0.18), B6 ​​(0.06), D (1.8) and E (0.4).

    Finally, as can be seen, egg white is a very complete food and the amounts of calories obtained are minimal.

    In short, this is a very good reason to include egg whites in the daily diet, both ours and that of our loved ones. With this, we will have the security of providing them with healthy food.

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