Do You Have Pain In Your Feet? 4 Simple Exercises To Calm Him Down

Since they are usually the great forgotten in all our routines, if you have foot pain it is important that you pay attention to them and give them the care they need.

The pain in the feet is very annoying. This part of our body supports all of our weight and is, almost all day, in motion. When we get up to drink a glass of water, when we go to work or do physical exercise, the feet are doing a great job.

However, we usually do not pay due attention to them. As a consequence, the pain in the feet begins to manifest itself so that, thus, we begin to take care of them a little more, allowing them to rest from always being in tight shoes or from standing too long.

4 exercises for sore feet

1. If you have pain in your feet, walk barefoot

Walking barefoot on the beach for sore feet

Maybe you have a habit of wearing shoes even when you are indoors. This is not good for your feet, as they need to feel free of any shoes. And, even more so, if we are talking about heels. The latter enhance the pain in the feet.

When you are at home, try to go barefoot if possible. You will see how your pain in your feet subsides easily.

Also, it is very positive that you walk barefoot if you go to the beach. The contact of the feet with the sand makes this a gentle massage for your feet. Without a doubt, they will thank you.

2. Move your feet

Just as we do exercises to tone the face or body, it is also necessary to exercise the feet. Have you ever done it?

The answer is sure to be “no.” That is why today we are going to discover some exercises that you can do and that will not take much time:

  • For at least 2 minutes, try tiptoeing around the house. This, believe it or not, will reduce the pain in the feet that you may be suffering.
  • Move your foot in a circular fashion. This is often used as part of the warm-up before exercise, but it also helps reduce pain.
  • Try to grab objects. It is a good way to put the whole foot into operation, forcing it to adopt some postures that may be somewhat complicated, but that will be able to exercise it and reduce pain.

    Doing these foot exercises two to three times a week will help you deal with pain effectively. Take advantage of the weekend to do them or when you have a break at work.

    3. Use a ball

    Ball to massage the foot and eliminate foot pain

    The balls are great allies to combat foot pain. To use them, you just have to choose one that is neither too big nor too small. Sitting, or standing, put your foot on top as if you want to step on it and slide it back and forth.

    You will notice how the ball is gently massaging your foot and how the pain will decrease. You can choose a rough ball or with some type of texture on its surface so that the massage is enhanced.

    Also, you can introduce variations when doing the exercise. For example, make circles with your foot on the ball or hit the area that feels the most pain.

    4. Pamper your feet

    Perhaps, the above alternatives to relieve pain in the feet have never been put into practice. Therefore, it is also unlikely that you dedicate at least one day a week to pampering your feet.

    How do you take care of your feet? When was the last time you soaked them in warm water? Do you give him a massage with your hands?

    Doing this once a week will help you deal with foot pain. In addition, we recommend that you use a cream when you pamper them to hydrate them. Dehydration and poor care of this part of our body is what favors the appearance of hardness.

    How to take care of the feet?

    We pay attention to our face, our body and even our hands. However, the feet are often forgotten. Luckily, we can change this from now on.

    • When we put cream on our hands, let’s take advantage of it and put it on our feet as well.
    • During the shower, when exfoliating the body we use the pumice stone to pamper the feet.

    At first, it will be difficult for us to remember. However, striving to serve them will gradually make their place in our routine of care and beauty.

    We hope that the exercises we have mentioned will help you deal with foot pain, but also allow you to be aware of the importance of taking care of and pampering them from now on.

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