Discover Two Excellent Remedies To Unify Your Skin Tone

It is possible that lately you are noticing how  your skin tone is changing:  the area of ​​your eyes now appears a little darker, you have more freckles and you may even have a new spot on your cheek that was not there before …

Do not worry, it is something normal that happens to all of us and that, in many cases, can be treated. The eye area, for example, is usually very delicate and sometimes depends on our fatigue or poor diet.

If you want to unify the tone of your skin, the best thing you can do is consult with your dermatologist and evaluate the treatment options that you discuss. There are several that can help you achieve a good result, in a safe and effective way. But at the same time, remember that you should always take care of your skin accordingly. To do this, you must maintain good lifestyle habits.

Why does your skin tone change?

unify your skin tone

At the moment we do not have that infallible remedy that allows us to stop the passage of time, that elixir with which to enjoy a beauty that does not fade, that does not suffer the impact of the years and that is free of  those wrinkles that already bring a certain maturity to our expression.

The years, as you know, must be carried with fullness and happiness, it is time lived and we should not be ashamed of it. However,  this does not mean that we have the right to take care of ourselves as much as possible to mitigate these effects.

The tone of your skin can be affected by several elements, hence it is worth taking them into account:

1. Exposure to the sun

It is the greatest enemy of our skin. It sends us  free radicals that oxidize the cells of our epidermis, which promote premature aging  and cause the appearance of spots.

You must take into account that spending excessive time in the sun, or even not using daily protection against the sun’s rays, causes hyperpigmentation, the skin becomes dehydrated and favors the appearance of wrinkles.

2. Acne

During our adolescence, we have all gone through that terrible phase where pimples hurt our skin, inflamed it and left us the odd mark that we still have. Acne is not unique to teenagers. It appears even in maturity and due to hormonal changes we continue to suffer from it from time to time.

Hence, it is common that, in certain corners of our face, the skin tone has also changed and we have those annoying brown spots.

3. Exposure to ultraviolet light from beauty centers

It may not be your case, but there are many women who do tend to go to beauty centers once or twice a week to tan their skin with UVA rays. There is no use taking action. In the long term, this type of treatment can bring us unexpected effects, such as premature aging.

Health and dermatology experts comment that sunless tanning is a high-risk cosmetic issue.

4. Pregnancy

Giving birth causes many changes in our body and also in our skin. One of these effects is that, during pregnancy, we produce more melanin  and, consequently, it is common for the occasional spot to appear.

5. Inflammations or skin lesions

The skin has memory and is a very delicate part of our body that reacts to any external effect, be it light, cold or shock.

There are those, for example, who  are very sensitive to any type of abrasion and, at the slightest impact, immediately notice how a  bruise appears and how, after days, that corner of their skin is no longer the same as before.

Even inflammation can leave marks that take a long time to disappear. Cold sores, for example, can leave sores in the mouth for long periods of time.

6. Age

We indicated it to you at the beginning. The years are unforgiving and will leave their marks on our face in the form of wrinkles, spots, sagging, etc. One of those most striking features that, without a doubt, you will notice sooner or later is the change in your skin tone. It is something normal that we can mitigate with the appropriate treatments.

Remedies to unify your skin tone

Although there are several professional treatment options, there are those who consider resorting to home remedies to take care of their skin. In case you want to use any of them to unify the tone of your skin, remember to mention it to your doctor and maintain caution, otherwise, you could expose yourself to suffering adverse reactions.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera Makeup Ingredients

  • 3 grams of aloe vera gel.


  • We will apply this remedy every morning and every afternoon. You will only have to remove about three grams of the central gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it to your face. You will notice how a kind of protective layer is created instantly, which you should keep for about 15 minutes. After this time, remove it with fresh water.
  • Do it every day and you will see how your skin looks smooth, without inflammation and how, little by little, your skin tone is unified. This is due to the numerous benefits that aloe vera brings to our skin, as this study published in the  Cuban Journal of Nursing points out .

2. Banana and lemon



  • The juice of half a lemon.
  • A ripe banana.


  • This remedy to unify the tone of your skin should be done every night before going to sleep.  To do this, you will only have to peel and cut a banana into pieces, as it has numerous beneficial properties for our body, as this study points out, and obtain the juice of half a lemon.
  • Make a very homogeneous mixture, in order to obtain a fine cream that you can apply on your face. Keep it for 20 minutes and rinse with fresh water.

    Other tips to keep in mind

    Healthy skin

    • Use a makeup base with sunscreen every day.
    • Moisturize your skin regularly to prevent it from drying out. When the skin becomes dry, spots and wrinkles appear.
    • Avoid the consumption of salt and foods with sugars, which promote fluid retention and cellular oxidation.

    Final note

    If you have questions about how to have a good skin care routine, you can always consult a dermatologist. The professional will know how to guide you based on your skin type and needs.

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