Discover The Foods That Reduce And Increase Triglycerides

The blood tests of more and more people show high levels of triglycerides, which is the main type of fat we have in the blood. In many cases it is also linked to high cholesterol levels. These values ​​must be taken into account and treated as soon as possible to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

In this article we explain which foods we should avoid and which ones can help us reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood.

Harmful foods

High triglyceride intake can cause atherosclerosis.

The first thing we must remove from the diet are known as bad fats. They are actually trans fats, and we find them in the following animal and plant products:

  • Precooked foods: they are made with very low quality oils and fats and are usually cooked at high temperatures.
  • Fatty meats
  • Margarine and butter : although margarine is a product of plant origin, the quality of its ingredients and especially the type of processing to which it is subjected make it a very unhealthy food high in trans fats. This is evidenced by a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
  • Creams and sauces with cream.
  • Industrial pastries and bakery : also contains trans fats in large quantities. In addition to other ingredients such as refined flours and sugars that further worsen the assimilation of this type of food.
  • Sausages: especially those with a high fat content.
  • Foods that contain hydrogenated fats: we recommend always looking at the labels of the products we buy, since many hide these famous fats.

Foods that lower triglycerides

The following products are capable of improving the lipid profile when introduced in the context of a balanced diet.

Healthy fats

First of all, it is important to note that all fats are not harmful to health. The body needs to consume fat in the same way that it needs carbohydrates or proteins. However, we must look for the fats that are suitable for our body: healthy fats.

Among them are:

  • Vegetable oils extracted from a first cold pressing, such as olive, sesame or flax oil.
  • The dried fruits. They also contain a lot of fiber and many minerals. These are characterized by the presence of omega 3 inside, which has been shown to be able to modulate inflammation in the body.
  • The avocado , a very nutritious and very healthy fruit, according to recent evidence. In addition, we recommend also consuming its seed, which will help us better assimilate its fat content.

We have to consume these foods every day but in moderate quantities. Especially if we are overweight. Although they are good fats, in excess they are also fattening.

Dried fruits, for example, we will consume in small quantities. Every day we can take the measure that fits in the palm of our hand. We will also mix these foods with carbohydrates and proteins to help us better assimilate.

Whole grains

Whole grains can also help us lower triglyceride levels. Unlike all those that are refined:

  • Wheat.
  • Rice.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Son.
  • Quinoa.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Amaranth.

And all kinds of healthy breads or pastries made with rye, oatmeal, buckwheat, spelled flour, etc. With this buckwheat flour, for example, we can make crêpes in the same way as white flour. This is how they are prepared in many places in France.

Blue Fish

Triglycerides in the blood can be lowered with a healthy diet.

When choosing animal protein, we will choose fish better than meat. In particular, oily fish for its high content of omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Salmon.
  • Tuna.
  • Mackerel.
  • Sardines

Fruits and vegetables

We will also get a good dose of fiber by consuming fruits and vegetables every day. Especially seasonal and if it can be of organic quality.

Throughout the day we should consume at least five pieces in total, raw and cooked. We recommend green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, watercress, arugula, chard, etc.). And of fruits, citrus fruits (orange, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit, lime) and apples, which if they are organic, we will better eat them with their skin.

Vegetable drinks

In diets to lower triglyceride levels, milk and low-fat or skim milk derivatives are always recommended. However, we also have vegetable drinks as an alternative, although it is important to choose varieties without added sugars.

We can buy or make ourselves rice, almond, oatmeal drinks, etc. And we can even use them to cook in sauces and desserts. These drinks are also totally free of cholesterol.

Take care of your diet to improve cholesterol and triglycerides

By means of a suitable diet regimen it is possible to regulate the lipid profile of the organism, which translates into a better state of health and in the reduction of the incidence of chronic and complex pathologies.

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