Discover How You Can Wash Your Hair Without Shampoo

Currently our hair gets dirty easily, especially if it is of the greasy type . Contamination and the use of inappropriate products alters the pH of the scalp. This means that we have to wash it almost daily. Did you know that you can wash your hair without shampoo ?  

Although we have become accustomed to washing it with different chemicals,  there are natural alternatives that allow a healthier wash.  Thanks to its properties, it cleanses the scalp, reduces dandruff and leaves a feeling of cleanliness even without rinsing.  

Don’t stop trying them!

Why should we not abuse shampoo?

Formerly women washed their hair once a week or every fortnight, and old photographs show that their hair was beautiful and abundant. What has happened today?

It is true that there are factors that make our hair get dirty more easily, such as toxins from the environment and excessive production of sebum. However, there  is also a tendency to want to excessively cleanse our body with products that are actually aggressive for our natural pH.

Most conventional shampoos contain substances that, in the long run, damage the scalp, such as parabens or sodium lauryl sulphate. It is true that we can use natural or ecological shampoos free of these harmful substances, but in most cases they have a high price.

For this reason, in this article we explain how you can wash your hair without shampoo, with natural and inexpensive products that you can have at home.

How to wash your hair without shampoo: 4 alternatives that you will like to try

1. The ghassoul

The ghassoul or rhassoul is a type of clay used in some Arab countries for the beauty of the skin and hair. We find it in powder or in small plates that we must mix with a little hot water to obtain an easy-to-apply product.

  • After forming a creamy paste, you can use it to wash your hair without shampooing. We simply must massage the scalp, leaving it to act for 2 or 3 minutes before rinsing with a little warm water.

The great advantage of ghassoul is that it acts as a sebum regulator. Therefore, it is recommended for all types of hair, since it will never leave it dry or too oily.

It can be difficult to find in some countries. We can find it in Arab product stores, in some herbalists or on the Internet.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is a product that can be used for many things, including cleaning hair. To give it this utility, we must follow these steps:

  • We will dilute a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of hot water.
  • When it is warm, we will apply the liquid to the roots of our hair. Only on the scalp, to avoid over-drying the ends. We can do it with the help of a plastic bottle that has a fine entrance.
  • We will massage well and rinse with water.

3. Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar to wash your hair without shampoo

Vinegar is another beneficial ingredient used a lot in ancient health and beauty remedies. In this case, it will work perfectly as a conditioner, since it adds shine and softness to the hair if we apply it in the last step.

  • We will mix three quarters of a glass of water with a quarter of apple cider vinegar, and we will apply this liquid after having washed the hair (with ghassoul, with bicarbonate or with natural shampoo), for later, after one or two minutes, rinse well with water.
  • If we wish, we can add a drop of an essential oil to this liquid , to improve its aroma. However, hair will not smell like vinegar when dry.

    4. The cornstarch

    The cornstarch, is a flour that we can make a “dry cleaning”. It is not a product that cleans or washes our hair in depth, but it is useful to remove the greasy aspect. 

    • To use it properly, we will directly apply a teaspoon of cornstarch on the scalp, massage lightly and then comb it well to remove the remains.
    • At the moment, our hair will look less greasy.

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