Discover 4 Wonderful Uses Of Grapefruit Peel

You already know how suitable and beneficial grapefruit or grapefruit peel is. That bitter taste actually contains endless benefits for our immune system, and to cover a good part of the vitamins that we need on a daily basis.

Do you consume them in your breakfasts? Do you usually prepare rich natural juices too? Excellent, but answer this question as well. What do you usually do with their shells?

You will most likely dispose of them and throw them in the organic garbage can. Now, did you know that grapefruit or grapefruit peel can still be very useful to us ?

Discover with us what you can do with it.

1. A secret for your skin: a grapefruit-based scrub

As you already know , citrus peels can also have many uses for beauty.

However, the first thing we must be clear about is that this fruit, be it an orange, a lemon or a grapefruit or grapefruit, must always be organic.

It is in the shell where the pesticides are stored  so, to clean them and eliminate any rest of those chemicals, the first thing we will do is wash them with water dissolved with a little honey. Always deliver a good result!

Then, to prepare this grapefruit skin scrub, what we will do is the following. We invite you to take note.


  • The grated rind of half a grapefruit or grapefruit.
  • 3 drops of rosehip oil.
  • 10 grams of sea salt.


  • The first thing we will do is  grate that half grapefruit and leave it in a bowl.
  • It also drops those rosehip essential oil droplets.
  • Next, make a mixture with the 10 grams of sea salt.
  • Then leave this natural combination in the fridge for 20 minutes.

How to use

  • To exfoliate the face, you will only have to apply a small amount of this preparation on a cotton pad.
  • Then comfortably exfoliate your face through a simple circular massage.
  • You will see how all impurities are eliminated and how your natural beauty and tone are reactivated.

However, since there is no scientific evidence in this regard, the ideal is to consult with a healthcare professional before using this exfoliating method.

2. Grapefruit or grapefruit peel tea

Using leftover grapefruit or grapefruit peels to make a tea is definitely an excellent idea. Its benefits are multiple:

  • It is a decongestant for mucus.
  • Supports the immune system, as this post points out.
  • Deflames.
  • Cleanses toxins.
  • Improves digestions.


  • The rind of a grapefruit or grapefruit.
  • 3 g of ginger.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


  • We will start by chopping the grapefruit or grapefruit peel so that their enzymes are broken and also come out more easily during the decoction.
  • Then bring that glass of water to a boil, including the grapefruit peel, the 3 g of ginger and the honey.
  • Let it simmer for about 2 minutes, then let it sit for another 10.
  • It will suit you very well if you take it in the morning.

3. Grapefruit or grapefruit jam

grapefruit peel


  • 110 g of grapefruit or grapefruit skin.
  • 110 g of sugar for jam.
  • 30 ml of filtered or mineral water (it is healthier).
  • 700 ml of natural unsweetened grapefruit juice, which does not come from the classic concentrated juices from the supermarket (they hardly have any vitamins).


  • We start by cleaning the grapefruits and then peel them.
  • Now we cook the crusts in boiling water until they are tender.
  • Drain them, dry them and leave them in the fridge overnight.
  • The next day, we can already cut the rind of the grapefruit or grapefruit into small pieces and then press them with the help of a mallet.
  • Then we will heat the sugar with 30 ml of filtered or mineral water over low heat, until it is dissolved.
  • Then we bring this mixture to a boil for about 2 minutes. Very easy!
  • Now is the time to add the grapefruit skins and natural juice. Let them boil.
  • Then, we lower the heat and let the mixture cook for about 25 or 30 minutes, until the grapefruit skins are transparent.
  • Taste the flavor. Grapefruit jam is usually somewhat strong.
  • However, if you want you can always add a little more sugar. It is a matter of taste.
  • Take the jam to some glass jars and boil them in a double boiler until you hear the classic “pop” . That way, they will last you longer. It’s delicious!

4. Grapefruit peel to brighten up your salads

saladDelicious! You will love this idea and it will give a very original flavor to your salads.

Combining our vegetables with that acid touch, in addition to being tasty, is healthy.  Since we add many more vitamins and minerals to our dishes.

Take note of what you should do:

  • Grate a grapefruit or grapefruit.
  • Then take it to your freezer and store that grated crust for a day.
  • When consuming it, you will only have to take out the amount you need, to “sprinkle” on your dishes.
  • Grated grapefruit skin is great to combine with salads, natural yogurts, in your bowl of oatmeal, in vegetable soups and also with any type of meat.

Do you dare to try it today? You are sure to love it.

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