Differences Between Odynophagia And Dysphagia

Although odynophagia and dysphagia are two terms that can be confused, each of them refers to a different specific problem.

Odynophagia and dysphagia refer to a series of problems that have to do with eating food. However, these two concepts have some differences from each other that we will cover throughout this article.

Although many people confuse both terms, the truth is that once we see what one or the other implies, we will realize how different odynophagia and dysphagia are, although they also have a certain relationship.

What is odynophagia?

Woman with odynophagia

First, we will discuss the concept of odynophagia. This refers, as the study Gastroesophageal reflux disease points out , to the pain that manifests itself at the moment we swallow (solid foods, liquids or saliva). It courses with:

  • Mild pain intensity : although in some circumstances this can increase, it is usually quite mild.
  • Chronicity : in some cases pain during swallowing becomes chronic, which may indicate the presence of a serious disease that needs to be treated.
  • Synchronous contractions : the muscles in the area contract causing pain.


Odynophagia usually occurs as a result of diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis or another series of infections that can affect the throat area. However, once the cause is resolved, the odynophagia disappears, according to the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

This does not happen in other situations in which this pain when swallowing becomes chronic  and, therefore, it may be warning of the presence of a greater problem. For example, an ulcer.

However, before being alerted by all this and worrying in vain, if we have some of the aforementioned symptoms, going to the doctor is the best option to clear up doubts. Thus, we can also start an appropriate treatment to solve the problem.

What is dysphagia?

Now that we know a little more about odynophagia, let’s discuss dysphagia. In this case, it is not referring to the pain that occurs during swallowing, but to the difficulties in swallowing both solid and liquid food.

In fact, food stops its progress before passing down the throat due to the impossibility of passing it. Sometimes even the person with dysphagia may have problems chewing food, forming what is commonly known as a “ball”.

The Difficulty Swallowing essay written by Norton J. Greenberger, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and published in the Merck Manual, explains that some of the symptoms of dysphagia coincide with those of odynophagia :

  • Pain when swallowing (odynophagia) : this is the reason why food or liquids cannot make their normal course.
  • Hysterical bolus sensation : it is a symptom of anxiety characterized by the sensation of having stiff and stiff throat muscles, narrowing the throat.
  • Hoarse voice : occurs due to the contraction of the muscles in the area.
  • Regurgitation : the inability to swallow causes food to return to the mouth and fail to pass through the throat.
  • Retching : arises from difficulty swallowing and regurgitation caused by dysphagia.


Among the causes of dysphagia, there is achalasia (a rare disease that affects the esophagus), esophagitis that may be related to a food allergy or the presence of tumors in the area.

Likewise, when we go to the doctor with these symptoms, the first thing they will do is check that there are no foreign bodies that are causing dysphagia. In some situations, a piece of food may be causing this unpleasant problem.

Prevent odynophagia and dysphagia

Woman eating slowly.

Now that we have seen the differences between odynophagia and dysphagia, although one can be a symptom of the other, it is important to know how we can prevent them.

To do this, it is recommended to chew food well and not digest too large pieces that make swallowing difficult. Also, it is necessary to acquire good habits to stay as healthy as possible and prevent pharyngitis or other infections from causing this condition.

Finally, we cannot forget the importance of attending the doctor regularly to verify that everything is fine. The early detection of an ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux or any other disease can help us avoid suffering from odynophagia and dysphagia for a long time.

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