Detoxify Your Liver With This Drink Based On Parsley And Mint

The mixture of parsley and mint can help us to obtain a very refreshing drink, as well as purifying. Once we have the ingredients on hand, it is very easy to prepare at home and we can include it regularly in the diet, without having to worry too much about the limit of glasses we should have per day.

Below we will discuss in greater detail the benefits that each of its ingredients can provide and also, how to prepare the drink.

Take care of your liver with parsley and mint

Parsley can be an ingredient to make healthy juices.

The liver is an organ that synthesizes enzymes, proteins, glycogen, and carries out various vital functions. Have you ever thought about the way you take care of him on a day-to-day basis?

The decisions we make every day have a great influence on your health, hence the importance of taking care of your habits.

Eating poorly and spending little time choosing the right foods when making a purchase can harm gastrointestinal and liver health and affect our quality of life. Therefore, it is important to learn to adopt healthy and sustainable diets, such as the Mediterranean or the Harvard dish.

Parsley, a familiar herb

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), parsley contains proteins, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, thiamine folates, flavonoids, myristicin and apiol. That is why it is said that cooking with fresh parsley can be beneficial for liver health. 

However, experts clarify that the portion used in gastronomy does not justify the contribution of nutrients to anyone’s intake. In other words, you would have to consume large amounts of fresh parsley in order to obtain a significant benefit.

Mint, not only for your desserts

Mint leaves

Like parsley, this is a very aromatic herb that helps give a nice touch to various preparations. On the other hand, FEN experts indicate that peppermint is an herb that contains proteins, calcium, iron, menthol, riboflavin, folates, vitamins A, C and E.

Peppermint has digestive properties, therefore, in addition to being often used for culinary purposes, it is used as a natural remedy to alleviate various common discomforts.

Parsley and mint infusion recipe

To prepare a rich and healthy infusion of parsley and mint, it is recommended that you get these two ingredients very fresh. Besides, you can squeeze a little lemon juice so that it has a citrus touch and therefore, a certain amount of antioxidants.


  • Fresh parsley (5 g)
  • Fresh mint (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (20 ml)


  • We wash the mint and parsley well.
  • We chop both the parsley and the mint. In this way, we will get them to infuse more easily later.
  • We heat the water in the kettle. Once it reaches a boil, add the two herbs. Too easy.
  • Allow it to infuse for approximately 20 minutes. After that time, let it rest for another 10 minutes.
  • Finally, strain all the ingredients and reserve the infusion.
  • Serve it in your favorite glass and add the lemon juice.

Note : it is not necessary to always add lemon juice. This is only done to make it more palatable and refreshing.

What won’t this drink do for you?

Although the consumption of this infusion can be beneficial within a healthy lifestyle, keep in mind that by itself, it will not take care of the liver or protect the health of the entire organism. Therefore, it is not convenient to rely only on it. The ideal is to include it within a healthy lifestyle.

If you have questions about how to adopt and maintain good lifestyle habits, consult your doctor. The professional will know how to tell you what is the most appropriate, according to your characteristics, needs and objectives.

Finally, remember to avoid resorting to natural remedies as a substitute for the medications prescribed by the professional. While they can bring you some relief at specific times, they can never substitute for medical strategy.

On the other hand, keep in mind that each organism is different and what works well for one, may not so much for another, therefore, you have to use herbal medicine and the like with caution and always within a healthy lifestyle.

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