Control Hypertension By Increasing The Consumption Of These 7 Foods

To improve circulation and avoid hypertension problems, it is essential to include foods in the diet that allow us to regulate inflammatory processes and control fluid retention.

A balanced diet, including fresh and nutritious food, will be beneficial for patients with hypertension. So, go ahead and discover the most beneficial foods to complement it and control hypertension naturally!

According to Dr. George L. Bakris, ” Hypertension refers to permanently high blood pressure, regardless of the cause,” which we normally call stress, nervousness, and excessive tension.

The fact of having a high pressure, above what is established as normal, considerably increases the risk of suffering other heart diseases such as: arterial damage, stroke, among other complications that compromise other organs and systems of the body.

Generally, a person suffers from this disorder when the pressure levels are 130/80 mm Hg or higher. However, in the early stages, hypertension can be asymptomatic.

Because of this, it is essential to have regular check-ups and follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding lifestyle habits, including when it comes to diet. This is because the consumption of certain foods – within a healthy lifestyle – can facilitate the control of high blood pressure naturally and in turn, increase well-being.

1. Flax seeds

Flax seed infusion

Flax seeds are a natural source of fiber and omega 3 essential fatty acids. These, after being absorbed in the body, facilitate the control of bad cholesterol (LDL) and high blood pressure.

Its regular intake can improve the quality of life of patients with hypertension because it helps to minimize the risk of arterial damage and relieve tissue inflammation. They are also an ideal option for managing food cravings and being overweight.

2. Banana

Take care of yourself by including banana regularly in your diet. This is a food characterized by its content of potassium, a mineral that is key to the control of hypertension and also helps regulate inflammatory processes in the body, reducing fluid retention.

Consumed in smoothies, salads and naturally, they significantly reduce the risk of strokes and heart disease.

Control hypertension with a delicious banana and other fresh fruits!

3. Blue fish

Blue Fish

Along with olive oil, oily fish is one of the greatest natural sources of omega 3 fatty acids. This is a type of healthy fat that can help control high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. In addition, they act as natural anti-inflammatories, ideal for regulating the passage of blood through the arteries.

They also provide high-quality protein and other essential nutrients that help improve physical and mental health.

4. Celery

Celery contains some phytochemicals and antioxidant compounds that provide great benefits to patients with hypertension. In addition, this is a food rich in water and fiber, making it ideal to combat fluid retention.

Thus, ingested regularly, it can control inflammatory processes. In addition to facilitating the elimination of retained fluids in the body. It also contains essential minerals that help reduce cortisol levels. A hormone related to stress and the risk of high blood pressure.

Control hypertension with a celery and hummus snack or a celery with banana and spinach smoothie! As you like!

5. Onion


According to the experts of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), the onion provides: proteins, potassium, vitamin C, flavonoids and different sulfur compounds.

The latter may help lower blood pressure, inflammation, and bad cholesterol. Therefore, consuming it – including in the form of juice – can facilitate blood pressure control. Also, onion juice is said to help eliminate bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides.

6. Cayenne pepper

The moderate consumption of cayenne pepper is ideal to reduce blood pressure in those patients who have frequent uncontrols.

The active compound, capsaicin, improves blood circulation. Thus preventing platelets from accumulating and hardening the arteries.

It is also a good supplement to reverse the negative effects of free radicals. Generally related to the onset of hypertension in adulthood.

7. Coconut water

Glass of green coconut water with lemon.

Control hypertension, too, with coconut water. It is a food rich in minerals and antioxidant compounds. This, in addition to rehydrating the body, can help reduce circulation problems.

It acts as a natural diuretic. Ideal to stimulate the elimination of liquids that are retained in the tissues. It also provides fiber and small portions of healthy fats that strengthen and protect heart health.

So, control your blood pressure through a healthy eating plan. It is recommended to prevent health risks.

Control hypertension with a balanced diet

As you can see, there are several foods that – within the framework of a balanced diet – can help you maximize and maintain your well-being. Also, you can combine them in different ways and get various delicious meals. Go ahead and control hypertension by eating healthy!

Remember that in addition to having a proper diet, to control hypertension you must exercise daily and maintain other good lifestyle habits, according to the indications given by your treating doctor.

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