Clean The Ears In A Safe And Healthy Way

Should the ears be cleaned often? What is the best way to do this? In general, doctors recommend not putting objects into the ears, not even cotton swabs, as they can damage the membrane and the interior, and lead to plugging.

The external auditory canal is lined by hair follicles (the origin of the hairs), and by glands that produce a waxy oil called cerumen that is important for maintaining the health of the ears.

However, it happens that when one tries to clean the ears, it can push the earwax deeper and block the ear canal. Earwax plug is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. For this reason, doctors do not recommend poking into the ear to clean it.

Function of ear wax

Normally, the wax makes its way to the opening of the ear. Once there, it falls off or is eliminated by washing. Therefore, here are five natural products that you can use to clean your ears. With a simple wash, you will achieve clean and healthy ears.

Wax is a natural, normal ear secretion. Therefore, it fulfills a physiological function and is to protect the ears.

This protection is provided in the following way:

  • The wax traps and prevents dust, bacteria and other microorganisms, or small objects, from penetrating and causing damage to the ear. This way you can prevent the occurrence of infections.
  • We can also say that it acts as a lubricant, as it prevents the ear canals from drying out and cracking.
  • Protects the delicate skin of the ear canal to avoid irritation when water enters it.

However, excess wax could indicate an infection. Or excessive ear wax production can harden in the ear canal and block the ear.

In short, the same organ will tell you when your ears need cleaning to reduce wax levels a bit. When this happens, you must be prepared to clean them safely and efficiently.

Why should the ears be cleaned?

The ears are responsible for perceiving sounds to send them to the brain. In addition, their role is essential because they help keep the body in balance.

The part of the ear that helps with balance is known as the vestibular system or the labyrinth, a structure in the inner ear made up of bone and soft tissue.

Therefore, cleaning the ears is not only important to avoid the accumulation of wax and dirt, or to prevent infection, but also to have a good hearing.

The hygiene of the ears mainly covers the cleaning of the ears, which when exposed externally can be cleaned easily. But, cleaning the main ear canal requires more care.

However, you shouldn’t clean your ears too often or too vigorously.

Note about home remedies

The infusion of chamomile, olive oil, almond oil, hydrogen peroxide are some of the most recommended home remedies when it comes to removing ear wax. However, its use is not recommended, since it can cause adverse reactions. 

clean the ears with oil

Final aspects

Once you have applied the respective product, you can proceed to clean your ears. Once you have finished, you will have to:

  1. Dry the ear completely. You can use a hair dryer (on low power and with warm air) to speed up the process.
  2. You can clean the ear canal with a tissue or toilet paper wrapped around your finger. Never to the inside!
  3. Go to a specialist doctor if your ears are clogged with wax, you have discomfort and difficulties in removing it.

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