
Already in the texts of Hippocrates the first findings of cholera are identified .  This is a bacterial intestinal disease whose causative agent is the bacterium called Vibrio cholerae.  Cholera affects all people regardless of age.

Infection is typically caused by ingesting contaminated seafood or water, according to the MSD Manual.

In principle, it usually manifests itself through mild symptoms, but there are cases in which it manifests itself severely from the beginning. In these cases, dehydration can lead to death within hours, so it must be treated in a timely manner.

The Vibrio cholerae is a negative Gram, motile flagellated spores that is not. It is a bacterium capable of surviving in alkaline media at temperatures from 22 to 40 ° C.

The Vibrio not act invasively since it remains in the intestinal tract and adheres to specific cell receptors, which are in villous epithelial cells. These multiply and secrete enterotoxin, which induces a blockage of sodium and chlorine absorption. In other words, this is the cause of the diarrhea.

Cholera diagnosis

The incubation period of the disease occurs between the first 5 hours to 5 days. However, symptoms appear between 24 and 48 hours after ingesting the contaminated liquid or food.

Because it is a short incubation period, the probability of infections increases. Symptomatic patients usually start with watery diarrhea and vomiting. They do not have abdominal pain or fever.

It should be noted that both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases excrete Vibrio in the stool, one or two weeks after being infected.

Diagnostic tests

In the first place, the realization of a direct field microscopic examination stands out . This consists of observing the motility of the organism through the feces.

Immunofluorescence is also often used, a technique in which antibodies attached to a fluorescent substance are used to determine if the person is infected.

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is similarly useful. It is a technique in which they make millions of copies of a certain region of DNA in vitro.

The cord test should also be highlighted. It involves the formation of a mucous cord when making a suspension of a 0.5% sodium deoxycholate colony as well as serological tests. These include agglutination tests, complement fixation, and antitoxic antibody tests.


nausea and vomiting

In certain cases, people who contract cholera have no symptoms. However, you should see a doctor immediately if the following occur:

  • Muscle cramps.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Watery diarrhea.
  • Dehydration


The infection occurs when the person ingests water or food contaminated with feces or vomit of sick people. The carrier can keep the agent for a few days or even months.

However, cholera is not transmitted from person to person. But it is very common to find Vibrio cholerae in crustaceans.

This disease spreads rapidly, especially in areas that do not have basic services such as clean water. However, this does not mean that an outbreak cannot occur anywhere in the world.

Risk factor’s

Among them, the decrease in hydrochloric acid stands out. This is responsible for digesting the food that enters the body. Therefore, by decreasing the cholera bacteria, it enters easily because it is not eliminated. Also malnutrition. Since the lack of nutrients and vitamins weaken the defenses of the immune system.

The consumption of vegetables and the ingestion of milk without boiling  can also become a risk factor. As well as eating contaminated seafood.

Finally, one of the most influential factors is being in poor sanitary conditions.

Prevention measures

To avoid cholera, it is important in no case to use feces, sewage liquids or sewage as compost. It is also very important to wash your hands before using the bathroom, before handling food, and after using the bathroom.

Thus, thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw will be a very good option. Also monitor water quality in risk areas.

It is preferable to eat well-cooked seafood. As well as reducing the consumption of food in the street and promoting the use of drinking water.

Cholera diagnosis

Tovar Guzmán affirms that knowing the condition does not necessarily make it possible to convert risk factors in the implementation of control measures. However, even without being able to resolve this point in its entirety, the health authorities have to maintain surveillance of the condition. D ue to the patterns of disease caused by the new serotype indicate that could propitiate the eighth pandemic.

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