Caramel Yogurt

The yogurt is a light caramel and digestive dessert. It is also ideal as a healthy snack. Although the fermentation process is somewhat long, the preparation itself is not complicated at all. In addition, it is a recipe in which children can participate. You just have to be careful that they don’t burn if it was made with homemade caramel.

Thanks to the bacteria that help to ferment it, caramel yogurt is ideal for digestion. It happens that its bacteria are the same that the human body needs to digest the substances that it cannot assimilate naturally. In addition, being a dairy product, it provides the calcium that the human body needs to strengthen bone structures. In this article, we will teach you how to prepare it.

Caramel yogurt recipe in yogurt maker


  • 750 ml milk
  • 3 tablespoons of powdered milk
  • 1 plain unsweetened yogurt
  • 250 g of caramel (can be homemade or industrial)
  • 200g sugar
  • 120 ml of water


  • 1 glass jug
  • 1 small bowl
  • 1 large bowl
  • 1 yogurt maker with yogurt cups that can be covered
  • 1 spoon
  • 1 spatula


caramel sauce

Preparation of the caramel:

  • Heat the water in a glass jug for 1.5 minutes in the microwave.
  • Pour 70 g of this water into a separate container and leave 50 g in the jug.
  • Put the sugar in the water in the jug and stir well with a spoon.
  • Put the mixture in the microwave for about 1 minute.
  • Remove from the microwave and stir again.
  • Put in the microwave again until it turns a slightly golden color. The cooking time will depend on the power of the microwave, so it must be monitored so that it does not burn.
  • Once out of the microwave, add the reserved hot water very little by little, mixing constantly until all the mixture is with the same fluidity.

    Preparation of yogurts:

    • Add the hot milk and powdered milk to the liquid caramel, and stir well until the mixture is uniform.
    • Let it temper.
    • Add the natural yogurt, stir well and pour into the glasses of the yogurt maker.
    • Put the glasses in the yogurt maker, turn it on and let the yogurts cook for 8 to 10 hours.
    • Remove from the yogurt maker, cover them and leave them in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours before consuming them.

    Data of interest

    • Recipe difficulty: easy
    • Preparation time: 10 minutes + 10 hours of fermentation + 4 hours of rest in the refrigerator.
    • If the homemade caramel is made, special care must be taken not to burn it, because when it is removed from the microwave it is extremely hot.
    • Homemade caramel can be made both in a saucepan and in the microwave. However, in the microwave there is less risk of scalding because it heats up less.

    Homemade caramel yogurt recipe in an incubator


    • 1 l of milk (whole or semi-skimmed)
    • 125 ml of natural yogurt or 5 g of powdered ferment
    • 4 or 5 tablespoons of sugar
    • liquid caramel to taste


    • 1 incubator
    • whisk rods



    • Whisk together the milk, caramel and sugar in the incubator bucket using the whisk.
    • Heat in the microwave until the mixture reaches 45ÂșC maximum.
    • Add the ferment powder or plain yogurt and stir again until well mixed.
    • Close the cuvette and place it in the incubator for 7 to 8 hours.
    • When it has fermented, remove the bucket from the incubator and put it in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

    Data of interest

    • Difficulty: easy
    • Preparation time: 10 minutes + 8 hours of fermentation + 4 hours of rest in the fridge.

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