Broth With Anti-inflammatory Properties

The ingredients we are going to add have anti-inflammatory properties, so their combination could help prevent inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Nature offers us foods whose properties could have a positive effect on our body. The role of chronic inflammation in major degenerative diseases has stimulated research on the influence of nutrition and diet on inflammatory indices.

In this article we share the recipe for a delicious broth prepared with ingredients that are attributed anti-inflammatory properties. But first of all we want to remember that, despite all the nutritional benefits that this broth may contain, it is not advisable to abuse it or use it as a treatment for inflammatory diseases.

In addition, in the event that a medical condition is being treated, the doctor or nutritionist should be consulted before incorporating it into the diet, in case it has any adverse effect.

Ingredients to prepare the broth


In general, all cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and cabbage, contain certain molecules with anti-inflammatory properties. We want to highlight broccoli for its content of vitamins C, E and minerals such as calcium and iron.

There are many studies that have verified the supposed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of broccoli. In addition to including it in this broth, we also recommend eating it steamed, undercooked, and in the form of sprouted broccoli seeds.

Garlic and onion

Both garlic and onion contain allicin, a compound rich in sulfur. Throughout history, many different cultures have recognized the potential use of garlic for the prevention and treatment of different diseases.

Recent studies support the effects of garlic and its extracts in a wide range of applications. The different compounds in garlic are believed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, have antimicrobial effects, and show benefits in blood glucose concentration. Although more research is still necessary.

On the other hand, the compounds in onions have been reported to have a number of health benefits, including antiplatelet activity, antithrombotic activity, antiasthmatic activity, and antibiotic effects.


Celery is a plant of the apiaceae family with phenolic compounds and antioxidants. Some studies have shown that the alkynes in celery could have an enhancing effect against oxidative stress in the liver.


The beneficial health effects of curcumin have been practiced in traditional medicine since ancient times. The turmeric contains a high level of iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Therefore, it has been proven that the consumption of this spice is very beneficial for health, for various aspects.

This root contains curcumin, an anti-inflammatory component. In addition, some research suggests that it may support disease prevention. However, more detailed studies and clinical trials are needed to improve the efficacy, safety, and mode of action of turmeric.

As it is a spice, we can easily include it in all kinds of stews, soups, creams or even desserts such as smoothies, custards or cakes. Its presence in this broth will be essential.

How do we prepare this broth?

We will cook the vegetables, if possible they are organic, with water and turmeric powder, for at least 40 minutes. We will strain the vegetables, which we can take advantage of for the preparation of the meal. For example, in the following ways:

  • To fill an omelette.
  • As a filling for savory tarts.
  • To make a vegetable cream.
  • As a garnish for other dishes.
  • To make a tomato sauce with vegetables.
  • To make a scramble with egg.

    We can also eat them directly, with a little extra virgin olive oil or with homemade mayonnaise.


    We can prepare this broth, especially during cold periods or in those moments when we notice low defenses. However, we must mention that taking it will not cure us of any disease or eliminate the chances that we develop it, since the latter depends on a multitude of factors.

    It is important that we go to the doctor in case of suffering from any disease and follow the guidelines that he recommends.

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