Are Your Hands And Cuticles Dry? Be Sure To Try This Home Remedy

Dry hands have an aged look. You can hydrate them and restore their beauty with this simple home remedy. Test it!

Dry hands and dry, weakened cuticles are often caused by a lack of hydration. Therefore, one of the first measures to combat it is to apply moisturizers or oils. And not just before going to sleep, but at different times of the day.

By applying moisturizing products several times a day, we not only prevent dryness but we also provide the area with what it needs to stay healthy and looking good.

Many people do not apply moisturizing products with the excuse that they “take a long time to absorb”, without taking into account that there are many options that are fast absorbing.

Hygiene and cleaning products can rob hands and cuticles of their natural moisture, so it is important to know how to choose them and, as far as possible, to clean with protective gloves.

Home remedy to take care of dry hands and cuticles

Fortunately, in addition to commercial products, there are some natural elements that contribute to the rehydration of the hands and cuticles to facilitate their regeneration and keep them in good condition.

Next, we want to share a remedy made with vitamin E oil, almond oil and cocoa butter.

Vitamin E oil

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The vitamin E oil is a product that is much valued in cosmetics throughout history. It is attributed a good antioxidant effect that decreases oxidative damage, while promoting cell growth and preventing tissue breakdown.

Its topical application is said to minimize the negative effects of the sun, deeply nourish the skin, and slow the appearance of blemishes. In fact, in many parts of the world it is known as “the vitamin of youth and life” for its ability to protect cells against the aging process.

Almonds oil

Almond oil stands out for its emollient and repairing qualities that soothe irritation and other symptoms derived from dryness.

Its main applications are topical, since it is very moisturizing and concentrates properties that benefit the appearance of the skin and hair.

In this special case it is very suitable, as it reduces the risk of cuticle infections. In addition, it maintains the elasticity of the skin to avoid the appearance of wrinkles.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter

Considered the “natural cream” par excellence, cocoa butter is a natural lubricant that easily penetrates the different epidermal levels.

Its application as a treatment for the hands keeps them soft, lush and free of ulcers or skin lesions. It stands out for its high content of antioxidant agents that fight free radicals.

Home remedy recipe for dry hands and cuticles

According to popular wisdom, a simple home remedy can be prepared to improve the appearance of dry hands and cuticles, or as a preventive method for flaking, dryness and other issues that may affect their appearance.

The ingredients are very easy to buy and usually keep in good condition for a long time, as long as they are stored at the right temperature.


  • 1 capsule of vitamin E.
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil (5 g).
  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa butter (10 g).


  • Put the cocoa butter in a heat-resistant container and melt it in a water bath.
  • As it melts, add the almond oil and the liquid from a vitamin E capsule.
  • Stir everything with a teaspoon and make sure the ingredients are well integrated.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes, pour it into a clean container and wait until it solidifies to start using it.

    Note : it is not recommended that you make large quantities of this cream. On the contrary, it is recommended that you prepare only the amount that you consider that you are going to use for a maximum of a week, so that you take full advantage of the “freshness” and the nutrients of its ingredients.

    Application mode

    • After obtaining a thick cream, take a small amount and gently massage it on your hands and cuticles.
    • Repeat its use every night for optimal results.
    • It would be convenient that you also apply this remedy before and after having done your manicure, as this will allow you to keep your nails healthy and in good condition.

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    Try it and show off gorgeous hands and cuticles!

    With this simple remedy you will be able to  get soft, hydrated, young and protected hands and cuticles in a short time. So, go ahead and prepare it at home so that you can see all its benefits and feel from now on as a model for cosmetic products.

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