Are There Foods That Have The Effect Of Hydrating Our Skin?

When it comes to hydrating our skin, in addition to external care, it is very important to drink water, as well as consume fruits and vegetables.

The answer to the initial question is yes. There are many foods that positively contribute to hydrating our skin.

Healthy body inside and out

The basic premise when assuming a balanced diet is to eat well to feel good. And, in the case of skin health, to look good.

The condition of the skin is often a reflection of how the body is working internally. But beyond what happens internally, the most superficial layer of the human body requires not only attention, but also a proper diet.

For this purpose, there is an important variety of foods that have what is necessary. And to hydrate our skin, many times it is enough just to eat well.

You don’t need to base your diet on just one food group. The options are many and quite varied. And, in all cases, these are items that should always be part of the menu.

Golden rule to hydrate our skin: drink water

It can be so obvious that it often ends up being overlooked. But water is the essential element for proper hydration, not only of the skin, but of the entire body.

The body, within its normal functioning, releases large amounts of fluid daily. All the water that is expelled, mainly through urine and perspiration, must be replaced.

This is absolutely necessary, not only to avoid dry skin. After all, 65% of the human body of an adult person is made up of water.

Fruits: the greatest sources of hydration (after water)

There are several fruits that provide a significant amount of fluids. Foods that play an important role when hydrating our skin.


Fresh pieces of cucumber

Cucumber is perhaps the most popular item. It is made up of up to 97% water, supplemented with a significant number of vitamins and other nutrients.

On the other hand, it positively influences the functioning of the digestive system, facilitating the correct absorption of all foods.

This fruit – which is often taken as a vegetable – is also used for cosmetic purposes. Its moisturizing capacity is high when applied directly to the skin, using masks or as an active component of creams.


Watermelon is another fruit whose composition is mostly liquid. Up to 91% of its weight is water, supplemented with a high rate of vitamin C and calcium.

Many specialists consider it essential to maintain a radiant complexion. They also recommend it as a food to break the fast during the first hours of the day.


Papaya also works for good health and hydrates our skin. Its properties have been proven to help healing and repair any abnormality on the epidermis.

Other options

  • Other fruits that should not be overlooked are blueberries, grapefruit, apple, and kiwi.
  • Orange and tomato juices, as well as coconut water, are also highly recommended.

Hydrating vegetables

Spinach and lettuce not only provide plenty of fluids to hydrate our skin. They are also two foods rich in vitamins A and C, essential elements for maintaining a healthy complexion.

Additionally, they are made up of other nutrients and minerals and contain a high rate of antioxidants.

They also provide molecules that regulate the action of free radicals and help clean impurities and toxins from the skin.

These vegetables are rich in lutein, a compound that acts as a filter against the sun’s rays and prevents aging.

Other green vegetables to include on the list are:

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Watercress
  • Parsley

More options to hydrate our skin

fruit masks

The pepper is another essential fruit for the care and correct hydration of the epidermis.

The red specimens have abundant lycopene, a substance easily absorbed and powerful antioxidant. Greens are rich in water.

Including them regularly in salads and stews will definitely contribute to obtaining a shiny and silky skin.

Green tea, in addition to being rich in antioxidants, offers anti-inflammatory properties. It is very effective in preventing wrinkles and brightening the skin.

Other hydrating foods include:

  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Walnuts
  • Cereals (corn, barley, wheat)
  • Prunes
  • Yoghurt

It does not require a closed diet, nor large sacrifices. It is only enough to have a balanced menu.

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