A Palace Dessert: Lemon Charlotte

A box of cookies, condensed milk and some lemons is all we need to make a sweet treat, ideal for a snack or after a meal. These ingredients are part of the succulent and simple recipe for: lemon charlotte.

With some similarity to the original lemon pie , this recipe has the egg and sugar added directly to the cookies. This recipe of French origin is a piece of pastry that we can all make in the comfort of our kitchen.

Lemon carlota ingredients

To prepare the lemon carlota, the main thing is to have a can of evaporated milk, another of condensed milk and at least two packages of maria-type cookies. The latter are neutral, egg-based and with a characteristic sweetness; in these products will be the consistency of our dessert.

Maria cookies on a plate.

As far as measurements are concerned, the can of evaporated milk should contain about 360 ml. Meanwhile, medium cans of condensed milk usually contain 397 g. In turn, the overall measure for the cookie is 170 g.

Of course, you cannot miss the star ingredient: lemon. About six or eight units will be enough to give us the amount of juice we need for this meal. The real measure needed is about 16 tablespoons of juice, equivalent to 200 ml.

Optionally, we could highlight the flavor with half a can of cream (225 g) and also 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon. These are additional ingredients and are not necessary to create the original recipe; everything will depend on the taste of each cook and the diners.

Lemon carlota recipe

  1. First, squeeze the lemons to obtain their characteristic sour juice.
  2. Said liquid must be placed in a glass container with a certain depth to be able to make the respective mixture.
  3. Then we add the evaporated milk and the condensed milk.
  4. It is required that the mixture be fairly homogeneous, so it is advisable to use an electric mixer.
  5. Once you have achieved a compact mixture, you have to layer the lemon charlotte.
  6. T omamos a refractory mold and place a first layer of graham crackers, arranged on a other.
  7. Once these are like a bed, we pour a little of the made cream on top.
  8. On this sticky solution, we place the second layer of cookies in the same way as we did the first time.
  9. On top of this new layer we will put the rest of the cream made. Being at the bottom, it should be a little thicker and contain the lemon flavor.
  10. Finally, take to the freezer

Homemade lemon carlota recipe process.

The good news is that since the cookies are ready we will not use the oven at any time. On the contrary, we will place the tray with the lemon charlotte in the freezer. The minimum time of exposure to intense cold will be 30 minutes, with the intention that the dessert solidifies.

There are those who prefer to let the cake spend a whole day in the fridge, avoiding the use of the freezer. Both procedures are feasible, although the latter allows greater control over the final result. This way it is easy to verify that the dough has set, without becoming too frozen.

Before serving

We can put a little cinnamon powder to taste. There are those who scratch a little lemon peel and add it to the top of the dessert. Both additional ingredients enhance both the taste and the aesthetics of the piece; It is also possible to cover it with whipped cream.

Finished lemon carlota dessert.

The lemon charlotte, a post attributed to two queens

Some versions affirm that this dessert has its origin in England, during the government of King George III. According to this story, the dessert would be named after his wife, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

A second version indicates that the inventor of the dessert, Marie-Antoine CarĂªme, did so by altering the recipe for a dessert called Charlotte Russe . The charlotte would be named in honor of the wife of Tsar Nicolai I; It would be the name of Charlotte of Prussia.

Both historical figures were contemporaries and dominated the most powerful nations on the planet. Perhaps it will never be known for sure which of the two queens the name of this dessert should be attributed to. The truth is that its flavor raised it, since its creation, to a monarchical status in the world of confectionery.

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