Benefits Of Taking A Cold Shower

If we are not used to cold water we can gradually lower the temperature. The bathroom environment must be warm so that the contrast is greater.

We know that there are people who take a cold shower every morning, but do they do it because they know if it is really beneficial, or just for pleasure or habit?

Most of us are used to doing it with hot or warm water, depending on the outside temperature, and it is a difficult habit to change if we do not know, or assume, the properties that this hot or warm shower brings to our body.

Find out how you can improve your health if you start to shower with cold water, and how you should do it so that it is not a suffering.

Let’s get started!

Hot or cold shower?

In reality, cold water and hot water have different health properties if we know how to use them properly.

However, this obeys the knowledge of popular wisdom, since it depends on several factors whether one temperature or the other is used for a certain time and in certain areas as well.

The problem is that, in general, we only use hot water, at an excessive temperature and for too long. Heat is more pleasant for our body , because it dilates the blood vessels and promotes relaxation.

However, it is believed that if we abuse it, as it could produce the opposite effect, then it could weaken us and subtract energy, in addition, it could worsen our circulation. The issue of balance should be emphasized. Everything in excess is harmful, even hot water.

For this reason it is more beneficial to combine both temperatures. In fact, many spas and hydrotherapy centers offer alternate temperature baths to add both benefits.

It can even be a very effective way to gradually apply cold water, combining it at intervals with hot water.

Cold water or hot water

Benefits of cold water

  • It could help reduce some inflammation.
  • It is believed to help with blood circulation, as it constricts blood vessels and prevents varicose veins.
  • It helps to avoid the flaccidity of the tissues.
  • Helps tone the skin and may improve its appearance.
  • It is also believed that it could help prevent cellulite.
  • It gives us vitality and energy and then it produces relaxing effects.

How are cold showers?

  • It is recommended that low temperature showers do not have to be very long. It is suggested that 5 minutes is sufficient.
  • It is recommended to always avoid the head area. At most we can reach, for a few moments, up to the nape.
  • It is important that the bathroom or room is at a warm temperature or that we are not cold before showering, so that there is a contrast.
  • It is suggested to start at the lower and lateral part of the body and work your way up to finish in the chest area.
  • People with heart conditions should be especially cautious. You can use the warmest water or always use it much more gradually, depending on how your body reacts.
  • We can take alternate baths with hot water, following the same intervals. For example, 1 minute of cold water and 1 minute of hot water, 2 minutes of cold water and 2 minutes of hot water, etc.
  • In general, it is recommended to always finish with cold water.
  • When getting out of the cold shower it is essential to help the body regain its natural heat. We can do it with exercise, with a massage while we apply a lotion or rubbing vigorously with the towel.

If we do it before going to bed it will be ideal, since we can go to bed right after.

How are cold showers

Open air baths

As our body gets used to cold water, we will feel more and more the need for these showers. At that time we will be able to contemplate other options, such as bathing on the beach, in rivers or cold water lakes.

In summer many people usually do it, but the interesting thing is to do it on sunny days in autumn and spring. We can do a little exercise before and take a short bath, and then exercise again or dry off and warm ourselves up.

The fact of doing it in the middle of nature multiplies the beneficial effects, especially for the nervous system and health in general.

We must always do it in safe areas and with due caution.

Open air baths

Local or localized toilets

If we suffer from limb problems such as arthritis or osteoarthritis in the joints, we can perform alternate baths only in that part of the body.

It is suggested to have 2 containers large enough to fit that part of the body. We will put very cold water in one and quite hot water in the other, which is bearable. In the same way as with the shower, we will alternate between the two, the same time in each one.

It is believed that if we do it every day it is an excellent therapy that reduces inflammation and pain, even in cases of people who suffer from it for a long time on a chronic basis. Although this does not have any scientific evidence to back it up, it is very common to see it in rehabilitation therapies, to mention an example.

Finally, we invite you to try this technique so that you discover for yourself the benefits that taking a cold shower can bring to your health.

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