Food For Children With Cystic Fibrosis

Do you know the recommended foods for children with cystic fibrosis? Which are beneficial or, on the contrary, which should not be ingested? In this post we recommend those that offer the best results to combat their symptoms. Do not miss it!

Girl with asthma

Cystic fibrosis is a chronic and progressive disease that causes serious damage to the lungs and digestive system. In addition, it affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat, and digestive juices. This causes the secreted fluids to become thick and sticky, plugging the ducts especially in the lungs and pancreas.

Although there are no studies with conclusive data, it is believed that a diet high in nutrients could help prevent these symptoms. Read carefully what would be the recommended foods for children with cystic fibrosis.

Foods for children with cystic fibrosis

Did you know that children with cystic fibrosis may need more calories than other children their age? Consult with your doctor about your child’s nutritional needs, as these vary based on his activity level, lung function, and general physical condition.

According to a 2013 study, current medical treatments and changes in nutrition have increased the survival rate in 10 years. Specifically speaking of nutrition, a diet high in fat and energy is usually recommended for children with this disease, in addition to regular monitoring of the absorption of nutrients by children.

Note : Check with your doctor before making any kind of variation in your child’s diet. No one better than him will be able to recommend foods for children with cystic fibrosis.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables provide large amounts of antioxidants (data from the International Journal of Food + Technology ). In addition to fiber, vitamins, minerals and fluids that are necessary for the growth and health of children.

People with this disease often have difficulty absorbing nutrients. For this reason, it is usually advisable to include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet on a regular basis. In this way, we would compensate for the lost nutrients.

In addition, fruits and vegetables provide fluids to the body and help maintain a good state of the digestive system. Therefore, it would be interesting to include these foods in the diet for children with cystic fibrosis.

Gluten-free whole grains

They provide a wide variety of nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All of these could help boost a child’s immune system.

For example, fiber would improve digestive function. So gluten-free whole grains may provide vital nutrients. At the same time, they could reduce the risk of excess mucus production, which could be associated with food allergies.


Offers gluten-free cereals such as brown rice, wild rice, buckwheat, or quinoa. So you replace refined carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, cereals and bakery products, with others prepared with whole grains that better conserve nutrients by having fewer refining processes.

Healthy fats: Omega 3 fatty acids

A diet high in fat and calories is very important for the proper growth and development of children with cystic fibrosis . But it is essential that fats are healthy. The Spanish Nutrition Foundation recommends paying special attention to the fats that are consumed, avoiding as far as possible saturated and trans fatty acids, such as those found in:

  • Red meat.
  • Whole dairy.
  • The fried foods.
  • Processed foods.

Research published in Advances in Nutrition indicates that foods high in trans fat may increase inflammation. A good option to reduce the consumption of red meat could be to replace it with beans or tofu.

Fatty acids

Among the sources of healthy fats that you could include in your diet and that of your children, you will find:

  • Walnuts.
  • Seeds.
  • Avocados
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Canola or rapeseed oil
  • Blue fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines among others.

The Omega-3 fatty acids present in oily fish, nuts, flaxseed and canola oil mainly, provide healthy fats that would be able to reduce inflammation.

How to get more help?

Nutrients from food are not always enough for children with cystic fibrosis. Therefore, if the minor is underweight or shows any sign of deficiencies, it is best to see a doctor.

The professional will be the one to determine if complementary nutrition is necessary. It can be done through tube feeding or through doses of dietary supplements.

Fibrosis management can be improved through diet

We hope we have helped those who suffer from this disease, and remember that changes are never drastic, they are usually progressive. Therefore, be patient and in a few days you will notice the benefits. It is also important to consult a doctor at the first symptom of the disease.

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